[063]. A Message From A Poem – Drumming And Humming Become Obese
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 18, 2025 (message contributor)
This poem is not my usual style and I need to explain. Imagine the beginnings of something that multiplies itself and grows louder and louder as it advances; then will take over because nothing can stop it . . . . except God.
The title means this - the humming and drumming (of this advancing wickedness will fatten itself, growing bigger all the time. It becomes more prominent and powerful.
Wickedness is like that. As it advances it is more obvious, with its presence felt. That is the general idea of the poem. The wickedness is advancing towards you. Leaven is always evil in the bible, and the leaven of wickedness is rising and becoming more obese. {{1 Corinthians 5:6 “Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that A LITTLE LEAVEN leavens the whole lump of dough?”}}
In the world, that is happening right now. Even in high places like the FBI and the White house after 2020, wickedness exploded. The humming and drumming is a torrent of clamour. The poem is looking at why this is happening and why the increase in advancing evil is in our world.
We are in the last days of the Church age and wickedness is growing all over. {{2Timothy 3:1 “Realise this, that in the last days difficult times will come, . . . . 2Timothy 3:4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”}}
When the Church is called home, wickedness is absorbed by Antichrist and the world is so horrible that God must judge it and He does that in Revelation chapter 6 onwards. THE SECOND SEAL is exactly what the world is now getting itself ready for - {{Revelation 6:3-4 “When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come,” and another, a red horse, went out, and to him who sat on it, it was granted TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH, and that MEN SHOULD SLAY ONE ANOTHER, and a great sword was given to him.”}}
Demonic influence and delusion play a big part and that gets mentioned too in the poem. {{Ephesians 2:2 “in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.”}}
I hope you understand the theme in this poem. God bless you all.
The world continues as it always has,
But chaos is coming.
Hark! In the rafters and hidden places,
Something small is humming.
It is mystifying, and heralds fear,
And its noise is drumming.
The message is worrying to many;
Its resolve is numbing.
It advances onward, so you succumb
To programmed delusion.
As it is built on lies and falsity -
Satanic illusion –
People no longer think objectively –
Reasoned mind exclusion.
There is marriage of fact and deception –
A demonic fusion.
The rafters are empty, nothing’s hidden;
Now we have entered night.
Where is the decency; where is the truth?
Where is the shining light?
Foulness grows more, while evil is honoured;
Eyes are now blind to sight.
The seeping of vileness is such, that now,
White is black; black is white.
That is our world in twenty, twenty two,
With no vision ahead.
Man battles upstream for all he is worth,
To escape coming dread.
God is rejected so it is no use -
He trusts himself instead.
By humanism and by his own will –
By those, he is led.
The humming and drumming is louder now,
Causing uncertainty.
We must recognise that the fault is this –
Man’s stupidity.
He’s rejected God, and has accepted
Sinful complicity.
The drumming humming has overtaken
Through its obscenity.
Is there an escape from that dark morass,
And is there some release?
Can pain be relieved and heartaches resolved,
That they will then decrease?
YES. In Jesus Christ the humming will stop.
There will be perfect peace.
Only in Him will victory be won,
And sin’s advances, cease.
R E Ferguson 12 April 2022 Metre - 10-6 throughout ABCBDBEB
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