[060]. A Message From A Poem – Do Not Trust Ourselves – Trust God
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 14, 2025 (message contributor)
When you think you know it all:
Then you don't.
When you think you’ll do it all;
Then you won’t.
I find this a delightful poem (for myself) and I am sharing my own experience here in writing it. Often we think we know best but it is a wrong road. It leads to disappointment. Self-dependence is the pride of humanism. In the end it produces only bitter fruit.
Paul knew strength came from weakness when weakness was handed over to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 12:10 “Therefore, for Christ’s sake, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG.”}}
When we have a weak structure our tendency is to try to strengthen it. It may be a roof or a shed or a cupboard. However when the weakness of it is handed over to the Lord then He makes it new and strong. Of course I am not speaking of physical things, but of ourselves.
The boy’s lunch, which was weak when compared with the hungry crowds, became a source of strength when handed over to the Lord. {{John 6:7-10 Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, for everyone to receive a little.” One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, “THERE IS A LAD HERE who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are these for so many people?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place so the men sat down, in number about five thousand.}}
Often when we rely on our own decisions and do according to our desire, we fail, so we must always be in touch with the Lord to make the correct decisions. Easy? No, for I have failed often.
I hope you find some small thing in the poem to help you. Maybe just a weak thing!
When you think you know it all:
Then you don't.
When you think you’ll do it all;
Then you won’t.
When you think you are the best,
Then it is, you’ll fail the test.
Self-dependence is a lie
From which all help rushes by.
Self-deceit with slyness lives;
Nothing good it ever gives.
Selfishness – the meanest root,
Always evil is the fruit.
All those traits that humans own:
They cut deeply to the bone.
Human nature is so flawed,
It will betray, when adored.
Self dependence – be aware:
For proper strength, it’s a snare.
Human resources all fail,
Because human strength is frail.
Vaulting ambition will sink
For it has an unsure link.
When I am weak, I am strong.
To neglect that, means I’m wrong.
That is God’s rule, and exact –
The way for strength, we must act.
Dependence on God is right;
It is what will bring delight.
Our human weakness will rest
When given to God; it’s best.
Then we mount up to the fray,
But close to God we must stay.
Paul knew strength came from weakness,
Humility and meekness.
God will honour faith that holds
Its place. God’s power it enfolds.
The world has its own false views -
The standards that it construes.
Christians have values above,
Deep seated in God’s true love.
When you think you know it all:
Then you don't.
When you think you’ll do it all;
Then you won’t.
R E Ferguson 13-14 February 2022
Metre = 7 throughout except two lines of 3.
Rhyme – AABB etc.
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