
Summary: In the face of adversity God will see you through.

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The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

As Christians we are constantly being looked at, observed, and as my grand-mother used to say, smoked over. In other words, there are those that will continue keep an eye on you and I and never on themselves. There are those that will watch you struggle and strain through your pain and trials and tribulations and wonder how you made it through.

Although, you may be going through, and some don’t know how you made it, there are some that will pat you on the back because you are able to sing that familiar songs how I got over. “My soul looks back and wonders how I got over”. You may even strike out a verse that says “I’ve been through the storm and rain but I made, I’ve had hard aches but I’ve made it. I’ve been sick as I could be, and none of my friends came to see about me, but thank God. Hallelujah I’ve made it.

Can I tell somebody this morning that I know that you have been through, I know that you have had some ups and some downs, problems after problems. But can I tell you to believe that God can change your pain into praise. God can change your burdens into a blessing and you can shout the victory I’ve been going through, but I’m coming out.

I know that life has a way of changing its course, I know that life bring about some unpredictable, random, erratic, dispositions in your life, but can anybody shout this morning that I’m coming out of this thang.

I know that you might think that you are too old; I know that you think that you are in the fourth quarter, and you can’t make it another step, but by the help of the almighty God, you are coming out. Because the same God that brought you to it, is the same God that will bring you through it.

Your test will turn into a testimony; your misery was only a part of your mission, because my God is a way maker.

As believers we are to trust in the Lord—He who is the God of our salvation. We are to trust in His care and protection. Even in the midst of judgment, even in the midst of trials and suffering, we can rest assured that God will deliver us. He has promised to bring us through every trial, and to use every trial to strengthen us and too purify us.

Because He has promised that we will not allow us suffer more than we can endure. In addition, He has promised that we will receive the crown of eternal life if we persevere to the end. Come here James, James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”

Therefore, our ultimate response to every trial and tribulation should be to trust God, because He is our Savior, and our God.

When this text unfolds in verse 16, Habakkuk heard God’s warning of the coming judgment. After hearing this warning, intense fear struck his heart (v.16a). Nevertheless, he placed his trust in the Lord, more than ever before.

He was determined to trust in the Lord no matter what happened. My first point: if you can only trust God, if you can only have faith in God, believe that he can, have faith that he will and hope that he shall, God will bring you through.

In chapter three is a song that was intended to be sung by the entire body of believers. The Lord gave this song to Habakkuk because of the bitter days that lay ahead.

Days of great anguish, anxiety, and uncertainty. The Lord strengthened this Minor Prophet to trust Him despite the coming judgment. In return, the whole community would be strengthened in their faith through singing this inspiring song.

But as we look at the text, Habakkuk disclosed and reveals his honest reaction, his feelings, and his emotions.

As read, the prophet’s first response was fear and trembling. He knew that judgment was coming, but he could not know the extent of the destruction, nor did he know the devastation that would affect him and his family personally.

In describing the experience, he says that his heart pounded. His lips quivered. His legs and inner being trembled. He even felt death, decay, and deterioration in his bones.

Apparently, this was a common experience for God’s true prophets and all who had a personal encounters with God, because Isaiah 6:5-7 say’s “Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. Then flew one of the Seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.

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