[057]. A Message From A Poem – Delusion Has Ascended On Mankind
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 13, 2025 (message contributor)
Delusion, often created through “inclusion”, is a serious subject today because there is so much of it around. All this has kicked off through the widespread media. “We don’t know who to believe,” is a common saying in our days. Some media outlets are really biased and you see how the presenters are deceived. It is no secret in the bible.
{{2 Timothy 3:13 “Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, DECEIVING AND BEING DECEIVED.”}}
Wickedness spawns its delusion that entraps men and women. It is everywhere. Liars are everywhere. Who is a liar? That would be the one preaching or holding to some idea contrary to the bible. John says it is the one who denies Jesus Christ.
Those who hold to a multiple range of genders are deluded – God created two.
Those who advocate “sexual preference” – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) and about a dozen more, these come from hell. – One man marries one woman is God’s order.
Climate change (global warming) has no basis and I have studied this. It is an agenda to bring in international compliance, and more. This movement is not Christian. Why has God given us coal, oil, gas and uranium if not to help us?
Those who say there is no hell, and any way to God is acceptable, are deluded. Jesus said He is the only way.
Although the following verses connect more to the coming of Antichrist, the application is universally true. Those who reject God’s truth will get caught up in delusion, and delusion drives to hell.
(NASB) {{2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 “and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason GOD WILL SEND UPON THEM A DELUDING INFLUENCE so that they might believe what is false”}}
We could go on all day about this but I want to finish. It is possible for Christians to be deluded and these two verses warn us – {{James 1:22 “Prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers WHO DELUDE THEMSELVES,”}} AND {{Colossians 2:4 “I say this in order THAT NO ONE MAY DELUDE YOU with persuasive argument”}}
The poem is a short examination of delusion in the world. {{Malachi 2:17 “You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, “How have we wearied Him?” IN THAT YOU SAY, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delights in them,” or, “Where is the God of justice?”}}
{{Isaiah 5:20-21 “WOE TO THOSE WHO CALL EVIL GOOD, AND GOOD EVIL, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!”}}
Who has believed our report, and to whom
Is the arm of the Lord revealed?
Not many believe, and few will heed God,
And yet, God’s appeal is unsealed.
People have little concern for their souls,
And live their lives in disregard.
Blindness has descended on the people.
God’s appeals, they quickly discard.
It’s so easy to disbelieve what’s true,
As it suits the human nature.
Man has departed from God by his sin,
And is reprobate in failure.
His destiny was of the darkest hue,
But chose not, on God to rely.
Mankind has produced his own failed patches,
Such pathetic ones, to apply.
The nations run fast after delusion,
And they will clamour for the lie.
Satan is the master of confusion,
And his errors – evil and sly.
The greatest delusion is climate change.
Through it, the nations are weakened.
Insane policies cause power problems,
And thus, the nations are burdened.
That is the purpose. Now let us awake.
Satan is causing destruction.
Climate change activists are not Christians.
They’ve blackened God for instruction.
They are humanists who have dismissed God –
Biden, Thunberg, and the U.N.,
Deluded through the devil’s delusion;
Wicked, confused, women and men.
In this age, good is evil; evil good.
Sin has blinded the eyes of those
Who reject God; who love their sin so much;
Who one day enter judgement throes -
Corrupt and untrusting, liars and cheats;
Believers in evolution;
Destroyers of all human decency;
Advocates of vile abortion.
God has the records accurately kept.
Heaven’s gates are shut to sinners.
Those who deny God and practise evil:
Bottom line – sin has no winners.
Flee from delusion by knowing God’s word;
Repent, and take the Lord as yours.
He was your substitute in God’s full love.
Do not delay, and do not pause.
13 March 2022 R E Ferguson Metre = 10-8 throughout ABCB etc
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