Sermon Illustrations


This poem began one Saturday afternoon when I was waiting outside a church in Atherton, waiting for Committee Members to arrive for a meeting. I had to travel a longer distance and allowed time but actually arrived early.

I was watching the plants where I was and these thoughts came to me. The poem began with 4 lines from the fourth stanza, and over time the whole poem filled in. Those lines are –

In every leaf God’s handiwork is seen,

In patterned structure, and each shade of green.

The flower bud that opens up to view

Bursts out in glory with compelling hue.

Evolution has always been an evil thing to me, ever since I was in Teachers Training College in the early 1960s, because back then there was a big debate about theistic evolution with the new radicals and progressives and liberals in the church claiming there was nothing wrong with evolution, bringing their doctrines into sharp opposition to Genesis. They were following the dictates of German higher criticism.

Evolution can have no part in Christian doctrine because it is humanism, built on the survival of the fittest, the idea of climbing over what is weaker to destroy it. It is like Nazi practice against the Jews.

Anyone who accepts evolution must reject the creation account, and therefore must reject the Second Adam. Therefore the whole inspiration of the entire scripture comes crashing down.

Moving to the poem, I am trying to detail some of the reasons I see against evolution. A poem cannot adequately answer the viewpoints of this demonic belief, but it is my small contribution. Darwin is in hell in the greatest regrets for his demonic lie that had damned millions.

It is a longer poem.

{{1 Corinthians 15:45-47 Also it is written so, “THE FIRST MAN, ADAM, BECAME A LIVING SOUL.” THE LAST ADAM BECAME A LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT. However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy. THE SECOND MAN IS FROM HEAVEN.}} (No Adam, then no Christ!)

{{Matthew 19:4 He answered and said, “Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female,”}} (ONLY two genders, and confirmation of the creation account. I am glad President Trump has confirmed this.)

{{Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE. IN THE IMAGE OF GOD HE CREATED HIM. MALE AND FEMALE HE CREATED THEM.}}


Ron Ferguson



Amphibians evolved from fish, they say

Back there, four hundred million years, one day.

And birds from reptiles! - such fantastic dreams!

One hundred, fifty million years - time screams!

Yet what sustained the thought in reptile brain,

Until some million years, a bird, became!! ?

Come, show me now; provide some missing links!

There are none! With that, evolution sinks!!


To every living thing it was outlined,

To reproduce according to its kind.

In constant reproduction, we can see,

This principle ordained and orderly.

Then faithfully, all species keep their dress.

There’s not an intermingled mutant mess.

Primordial slime did not begin life;

Nor did complexity arise from strife.


Birds possess innate migratory urge;

On far, predestined flights, will species surge.

A manx shearwater took twelve days to fly

The route - America to Wales - first try.

Then it arrived exactly at its nest.

Bird navigation - still a mystery quest!

Creation’s stamp is so upon a bird,

That to deny that fact, is just absurd.


How can the salmon trace again the beam,

Without a compass, to its natal stream?

For distance and direction to be won,

The honey bee takes bearings from the sun.

Sophisticated sonar used with ease,

Will navigate the bats among the trees.

Innate design can’t be denied as fact:-

No fluke of chance, or fate accomplished that.


In every leaf God’s handiwork is seen,

In patterned structure, and each shade of green.

The flower bud that opens up to view

Bursts out in glory with compelling hue.

Such richness of the fruits is there to see,

With all their colours and diversity.

Who then can boast that all this came by chance?

A fool he is who maintains this wrong stance.


The marvellous complexity of sight,

Allows for gradients ‘tween dull and bright.

The retina receptors - rods and cones,

Are perfectly designed for colour tones.

The lens can change its size and shape freely,

To hold each object focussed perfectly.

Designs as intricate as these, demand,

A recognition of creation’s hand.


Who taught the spider weaving crafts so fine:-

A web to make from even, silken line?

Who gave the lyre bird a voice superb,

To mimic flawlessly all sounds thus heard?

Who taught the ants of soon impending rain?

High nests they make, so dry they will remain.

Came this ability by fluky chance,

Or by exact design? What is your stance?


The crocodile will build a breeding nest:

Of coming heavy rain, it knows the best.

Now who designed the lateral line on fish?

Did it evolve - a self-fulfilling wish!

Amoebas, paramecia, are small -

Don’t transmute their species - not at all!

And more examples in this world, we find!

Then he who won’t admit to these is blind.


Who would expect chaotic chance to yield

Such perfect symmetry? Creation’s sealed!

In man or beast, reptile or bird or fish,

The left will match the right. Not random wish!

There’s no haphazardness, but balanced frame -

Not logical in evolution’s claim.

In evolution, parts would jumbled be;

But not the case! This “theory’s” false, you see.


A fish - it has a mouth, two eyes, a nose.

But man, as “evolution’s crown”, has those.

With “hundreds of millions of years” now past,

The basic head design has still held fast!

But Darwin’s lie of major species change,

Can not explain the constant facial range.

Did not evolve a row of eyes for man;

A set of mouths; replacement teeth for gran!


How useful would a set of wings then be,

For human flight, to cruise so merrily!

Who could deny the usefulness on farms,

If evolution had produced four arms!

Perhaps the reptile or the ape, maybe,

Had self-inducement, not sufficiently!

Perhaps ancestral members lost the art

Of self-propelled thinking on their part!


For those, whose God’s creation, won’t allow;

Who won’t before creation’s Maker bow,

Explain this universal fact to me,

Why all through starry space and earth and sea,

Are interlocked all comprehensive laws

That operate so smoothly without flaws.

Did scientific principles arise

Through chaos or disorderly surprise?


The handiwork of God is clearly seen!

With diverse life, earth, air and water teem.

For Webster’s Dictionary, there’s more chance

Of its formation in a printing branch

Through huge explosion in the printing type,

Than for this nonsense, evolution tripe.

Man has devised this evil “theory” then,

And denied God - Creator of all men.


28 March - 5 April, 1998 R E Ferguson 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10

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