Sermon Illustrations


This world is in chaos and your understanding of that depends on your assessment in the scriptures. Right now in the United States there is a new presidency under Trump, and the sick state of American society is being revealed with such mismanagement over the past four years placing some of the United States in chaos.

Moving from that, there are international problems in the Middle East and Europe. China is a huge threat to world calm with its militaristic expansionism. Zelenskyy has refused any negotiation to end the Ukraine war, possibly escalating the situation.

WOKE policies have been spread far and wide and the new religion of climate change (though there is no evidence) is raising the cost of living in nations stupid enough to rush after windmills and solar when God has given ample oil and goal and gas and uranium.

Education of our children is miserably failing; the family is under attack; Christians are arrested even for silent prayer a few hundred metres from abortion slaughterhouses. Churches are promoting horrible things and Christians are being edged out.

One line in the poem says, “The sinful leaven now spreads fast.” Throughout scriptures without exception leaven is ALWAYS evil. It is the picture of sin spreading insidiously and silently and corrupting everything.

We are in the last days. These are the last days of the Church age before all believers are taken home as the Church, the Bride of Christ, rises to be with the Lord forever. Paul speaks of these times – {{2 Timothy 3:1-4 “Realise this, that IN THE LAST DAYS DIFFICULT TIMES WILL COME, for men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”}}

We are seeing terrible persecution of the church everywhere, but terribly in Africa, China and Islamic nations. This is in line with the last days, a few verses on from the quote above – {{2 Timothy 3:12-13 “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus WILL BE PERSECUTED. EVIL MEN AND IMPOSTORS WILL PROCEED FROM BAD TO WORSE, deceiving and being deceived.”}} How many evil men are running the world’s nations these days?

ABOVE ALL – GOD IS IN CONTROL. Rest in that and be joyful.



Chaotic times when faith is strained,

Are those through which we must endure.

This certain fact we know is true:

In Jesus hand we are secure.


This world will run its sinful course;

Pursue its darkness more and more.

Much greater sins it will endorse,

And spread them out from shore to shore.


The sinful leaven now spreads fast.

Its evil permeates all parts.

The territory claimed is vast.

It spreads its canker through all hearts.


Wicked men grow from bad to worse.

The worse now, is considered bad,

But will wax even worse – this curse!

To its wickedness, more will add.


At this you need not be disturbed,

Or let these things play on your mind.

Faith prevents your being perturbed.

In troubled times, Christ’s peace you’ll find.


These times are bad, but joyful be,

As all is under God’s control,

And through the darkness we can see,

Time advances towards the goal.


The “last days” prophesied are here:

Dangerous times; perilous ones.

We look for our Lord to appear

To rapture all His ransomed sons.


R E Ferguson 5 December 2020 8-8-8-8

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