Sermon Illustrations


GOTCHA! We hear that in children’s play and in some games. In fact I think there may have even been a board game in the 1950s with that title.

Have you ever watched a spider on its web sitting there silently and an insect becomes ensnared in the web. Immediately the spider races over and encases the victim in silk. Once ensnared rarely does anything escape the spider’s web.

ENTICED! I live in the tropics and it is common to see pitcher plants around. These marvels of the botanical world have a body a bit like a pitcher used in the past for carrying water, etc. However at the bottom of the pitcher there is a foul smelling fluid but insects love it. They are enticed by the smell and fall into the sticky liquid and can’t escape. Then the carnivorous plant feeds on them.

This poem is entitled, “Beware the Fowler,” and there are several references to “fowler” in the AV/KJV where the NASB uses “trapper”. The fowler used to be one who trapped birds such as partridges and grouse and pheasants and doves, etc., an occupation quite common in the Middle Ages.

I have based this poem on the cunning work of Satan to trap people especially Christians. The key verse is {{Psalms 91:3 “SURELY HE SHALL DELIVER THEE FROM THE SNARE OF THE FOWLER, and from the noisome pestilence.”}}

Satan uses all means possible to trap Christians including the three common ones – lust of the flesh, eyes and the pride of life. He manipulates the old nature expertly. When I say Satan, he is not omnipresent, and can be in only one place at one time, so it is his demonic horde that is actively engaged in snaring Christians.

Does Satan’s hordes entice and ensnare non-Christians? Yes they do but an unsaved person already belongs to Satan so most of the effort is spent on trapping Christians.

In this poem I examine all that. We must beware the fowler or we will finish up in his net.

Using a verse from the NASB – {{Psalm 124:7-8 “Our soul has escaped as a bird out of the snare of the trapper. The snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the LORD Who made heaven and earth.“}}

Our God is magnificent who delivers us from the trapper’s snare. We may get entangled but look to the Lord who delivers us from the fowler.



Beware the fowler in the way,

The schemer with his traps adept;

That cunning trickster who will lay

Ensnaring nets where he has crept.


The fowler knows his craft so well -

Each habit and routine discerns.

The ways of birds expertly tell;

Entrapment plans so well he learns.


To map his prey so cunningly,

And plan with subtle art his haul,

The fowler works strategically.

An expert he, the best of all.


Now Satan has his fowlers trained -

His followers in his control,

Whose traps are set, the cords are strained,

To catch God’s children, is their goal.


Each subtle means will be employed:-

The lust of flesh, the lust of eyes,

To cause God’s work to be destroyed;

To capture saints by wicked lies.


Beware the fowler’s changing guise;

His trickery is most refined.

On every cunning trick relies

To cause God’s own to be maligned.


Deliver us from fowlers’ snares.

On every path these nets are laid.

Direct us, Lord, for our God cares.

Our trust’s in Him. On Him we’re stayed.


8 - 22 October 2000 R E Ferguson 8-8-8-8

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