How To Use A Gospel Tract
Contributed by John Bright on Feb 20, 2025 (message contributor)
How to use a Gospel Tract
You are all receiving an envelope with a variety of gospel tracts from a ministry, Moments With The Book – www.mwtb.org You can go to their website and see all the different tracts and order any of them you like. Today, look over the ones that are in your envelope. Find one that is interesting to you. Now, I want you to “study that gospel tract.”
1 – Read it through several times. Do you understand the message?
2 – Look up all the scriptures in the tract. Dig into them and read the whole chapter – what is the context? You don’t have to know the whole Bible – just understand how the scriptures in the tract are being used.
3 – All these tracts have a website on the back – SeekLife.net Some of them have their own page on the site. Go look up the page or just go to the home page and look around. One option there is to chat with folks who can help people find answers to their questions but also lead a seeker to new life in Christ. You may only plant the seed by giving someone a gospel tract.
4 – Pray about who you already know that would also find this gospel tract to be interesting. When God gives you a name – don’t question it! Just keep praying for that person when you are reading over that tract for the 15th time😊 Right now – just consider giving one tract to one person you already know. That’s all. Later on, we will talk more about leaving tracts in public spaces and giving them to folks you don’t know – more training down the road.
5 – Take a deep breath and give the tract to that person and tell them if they have any questions, just give you a call or go to the website on the back of tract. Then, start over with another gospel tract.
Down the road, we are going to provide you with more gospel tracts. It would be wonderful for me as the pastor to ask anyone here at any time, “Which gospel tract are you praying over?” I would also like to have some testimonies on a Sunday morning from folks who have followed this process, handed a tract to someone they know, and are still living to tell the tale 😊
One more thing – if your brain is already screaming, “I CAN’T!” – take some time to change the narrative in your head to this, “I HAVE NEVER TRIED THIS BEFORE!”
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