Sermon Illustrations

Wesley and Stacey Campbell describe in their book Praying the Bible: The Pathway to Spirituality: A few years ago, we were ministering in the mountains of Puebla, which is about a 4 hour drive from Mexico City. The situation was most desperate. The Indians of the area lived in villages built atop mountain peaks a mile high in the air, which meant that in order to get water, the villagers had to walk a mile straight down to the valley below. These villagers were descendants of the ancient Inca and Aztec tribes. Warring factions had driven these people to build on the very tops of the mountains in order to protect themselves from their enemies. Farming was difficult and life was very harsh. Today alcoholism is rampant and violence and abuse are epidemic. It hardly seemed the place for 2 single Mexican senoritas to start church planting. Yet these 2 girls had braved the odds and seen scores of village Indians come to Christ and be baptized. At the end of one long day of preaching, one of these young church planters came up to me to give a testimony. “You will not remember me,” she said, “but I was in one of your meetings in Mexico City. At that conference you taught about praying the Bible. You were talking about the missionaries of old and how the Celtic monks prayed the whole book of Psalms every week. Since the conference was called ‘The Revolution,’ you told us to ‘pray the whole book of Psalms every week, for a number of months, and a revolution will take place in your life.’ Beaming, she continued, “I began to do this. Six months later I gave up my practice as an accountant and here I am. I wouldn’t be doing anything else. Thank you for teaching me to pray the Bible.” Driving down the mountains that night, I realized afresh the power of praying the Bible. It changes the lives of those who do it and the lives of those they touch.

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