Sermon Illustrations

I would like for you to picture a scene. There is a court room. The judge is seated behind the bench. The jury is in place. There are people watching the proceedings. There is someone on trial sitting before the judge. And that person is you! The charge against you is that you are a sinner.

As always, the accuser Satan is in his place as prosecutor. He begins his case against you listing the many times you did things that you should never have done. And also all the people who were hurt by your words or actions. And the way you disregarded God's commandments in the things you often did in your life. It is hard to hear these things because you know they are true.

After Satan has finished his argument, the judge asks, “Is there anyone here for the defense?” Up steps your guardian angel. It looks like you finally have help. Something to counter all of the things the devil has reminded the court about you and your life on this earth.

The angel is asked, “Just how well do you know the accused?” “I know this one well; I’ve been responsible for this one for all these years.” Then the angel is asked, “Since you know this one so well, tell the court, has this person ever sinned?” Now remember, this person is you. What kind of answer could your guardian angel give to such a question? What answer would you have to give?

Wouldn't you have to agree, “Yes, yes I'm a sinner! I'm guilty”. Then devil says, “Judge, this one has to go to hell. According to your own word, 'The soul that sins, it shall die.' This person has admitted it. This is a sinner!”

The judge, who is God the righteous judge, knowing the judgment for sin, must give the verdict fitting the crime. But before He does, there is One who comes forward from the back of the court room. You notice that He has wounds in His hands, His feet, and His side. It is Jesus, our Advocate.

He stands at the bench before the judge and says, “Your honor, everything spoken here is true. This one is nothing more than a sinner, and death is right the penalty for such a crime. I am not here to argue that this person did not commit the crime. I am here to offer up evidence that the penalty has been already carried out.”

"Your honor, look at my hands, feet, side, and head. I went to the cross and died for this one. I wore a crown of thorns to give a crown of life! I walked up Calvary’s road to let this one walk on streets of gold. I was treated unjustly so others could be justified. I suffered so others could be saved! Your Honor, on the basis of the blood shed on Calvary, I ask that this one go free!”

Then the judge, our Heavenly Father, looks at His Son, Jesus Christ, and says, “I accept what you have done for this person. Since the penalty has been paid, all charges can be dropped.” Then you breathe a sigh of relief.

But there is one thing more. The judge, the God of the universe, turns to you and says, “I can drop all charges, and forget the sins you have committed based on the sacrifice of my Son, Jesus. But before I am able to do that, you must be willing to accept what was done for you on that cross. What is your answer?”

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