Sermon Illustrations

The Dark side we need to see into:

Proverbs 4:19 “But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness;

they do not know what makes them stumble.”

Years ago, the movie Star Wars came out and my daughters and I made a pact to go see every Star Wars movie together. We have loved the series and one of the main thoughts in the movie series “Is to make sure that you don’t yield to the dark side of the force because it will destroy you.” Darth Vader became our example through the series of how the dark side can suck us into its evil grip.

The truth is darkness lurks out there today ready to engulf and destroy people’s lives. It’s a destructive power luring the innocent into its grasp to kill, steal and destroy their lives. We seem to have a fascination with the dark side of life and the internet has made it available at the click of a finger.

I have observed that our society is full of the dark side’s presence. We have forces luring us into the dark side on the internet, in movies and on TV. They tell us to say, “Yes!” to the dark side. The dark side entices us to fall in love with it. It tells lies like, “Bondage to me is so satisfying.” The dark side promotes that porn and lust is really the way to great love. The darks side pushes sexual immorality and promises great rewards for this type of lifestyle. The dark side says, “Go ahead commit adultery you deserve the pleasure and besides your spouse is not worthy to stay pure too.” The dark side says, “Go ahead steal that money you deserve more than they do.” These are some of the beliefs being promoted by the twisted words of the dark side. It promises power and self-esteem while stealing more away from the people that buy into its distorted beliefs. It is a force that lures and entices the young – the middle aged - the old and especially the innocent into its web of deception.

Being alone in the darkness will corrupt you, being alone in the darkness will control you, being alone in the darkness will crush you. And that is exactly what the dark side wants to do to you and all that are alone in the darkness. The dark side is not a friend it is a fiend bent on destroying you because you were created in the image of God. He hates God and anything that looks like Him.

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