Sermon Illustrations

A little boy was flying his kite in the windy city of Chicago, Illinois one day. He sent the kite up and let the line out as the wind took it away to the cloudy sky.

About that time, an elderly man walked past the little boy and asked him a question. "What are you doing there, son?" he asked.

"I'm flying my kite!" the boy quickly answered.

The man frowned and said, "I don't see anything but lots of clouds everywhere. How are you sure that there is a kite up there somewhere?"

The little boy thought for a moment and said, "Well, sir.........every now and then, I feel a little tugging on the line."

Sometimes it is hard to see where God is in our lives. We are surrounded by clouds, darkness and doubts. But, then, the Holy Spirit tugs on the line of heart and speaks words of comfort and assurance to the children of God just as God spoke to young Joshua as he begin his ministry and said, "Fear not, neither be dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with you" (Joshua 1:9).

We have to learn to hear and discern the Shepherd's voice because there is no doubt that He is there tugging on the line.

- Dr. Larry Petton

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