Sermon Illustrations

Follow Me

The United States Army is one of the most powerful forces in the world. The strongest and most trained soldiers in all the world. Each one is a valuable asset in order to have victory over an enemy. Therefore, training requires strict discipline and the ability to follow orders of the leaders to ensure survival.

One of the most dangerous places on the battlefield is to find yourself in the middle of a minefield. The terror and fear that each step could be your last. Step in the wrong direction and you could set off a mine that may not only kill you, but also your fellow soldiers.

How do you successfully navigate your way through the minefield? Do you try it on your own and hope for the best? A step here and a step there? Certainly not! You wait for the experts, the Army Engineers to arrive and clear a path through the minefield. Once the path is cleared you must stay on the cleared path only and follow in the steps of your leader to arrive safely on the other side. Any wrong step would be disaster.

As a Christian, many times our daily lives feel like we are trying to navigate through a minefield. Some mines are hidden while others are out in the open. These are the mines set to trap you in sin, desperation, and loneliness. The devil attempting to entice you to try to traverse the minefield all on your own.

It is in these moments that we wait on our expert, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus. We allow him to clear a safe path before us through the minefield where we follow in his steps avoiding the mines that could hurt us or others. We stay on the narrow path that leads to safety on the other side, our home with Jesus. Every life is precious to Jesus, and each of us can be a fruitful servant for Him.

Will you trust Jesus today and follow Him through the minefields of your life?

Matthew 7:13-14 - 13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

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