Poem Of The Sheep & Goats
Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 16, 2022 (message contributor)
Song of the Sheep & Goats
When the Son of Man comes again
In his glory
All the holy angels with Him
Throne of glory
Throne of greatness He'll sit on then
I was hungry; you gave to me
I was thirsty; you nourished me
I was foreign; you welcomed me
I was naked; you covered me
I was sick; you took care of me
I was jailed; you visited me
Before Him will come all nations
He'll separate
The sheep and goats in two stations
He'll separate
As shepherds make two locations
I was hungry; you gave to me
I was thirsty; you nourished me
I was foreign; you welcomed me
I was naked; you covered me
I was sick; you took care of me
I was jailed; you visited me
Sheep on His right; goats on the left
The King will tell
Those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blest
In My reign dwell
God has prepared for you the best
I was hungry; you gave to me
I was thirsty; you nourished me
I was foreign; you welcomed me
I was naked; you covered me
I was sick; you took care of me
I was jailed; you visited me
Then the righteous will answer Him
Lord, when did we
See you hungry and gave to You
See you thirsty and nourished You
See you foreign and welcome You
See you naked and cover You
See you sick and took care of You
See you jailed and visited You?
And answering the King will say
On judgment day
Love for the least you did convey
Lived the give way
You gave to Me; I will repay
I was hungry; you gave to me
I was thirsty; you nourished me
I was foreign; you welcomed me
I was naked; you covered me
I was sick; you took care of me
I was jailed; you visited me
Then He'll say to those on his left
Depart from me
You are cursed, punished and bereft
That's my decree
Into fire where the devil's left
I was hungry; you ignored me
I was thirsty; you ignored me
I was foreign; you ignored me
I was naked; you ignored me
I was sick; you ignored me
I was jailed; you ignored me
Then they will also answer Him
Lord, when did we
See you hungry and ignored You
See you thirsty and ignored You
See you foreign and ignored You
See you naked and ignored You
See you sick and ignored You
See you jailed and ignored You?
And answering the King will say
On judgment day
Help the least, you did not obey
Lived the get way
You ignored the least; You will pay
These will go into punishment
But the righteous, to life are sent
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