The Spirit Of Fear
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Jan 31, 2022 (message contributor)
There was a lady who died in 1916 named Hetty Green. She has been called “America’s greatest miser.” When she died in 1916, her estate was valued at $100 million.
But she was so miserly that she ate cold oatmeal in order to save the expense of heating the water.
When her son had a severe leg injury, she took so long trying to find a free clinic to treat him that his leg had to be amputated because of advanced infection.
Why did she do this? Fear of losing her wealth! So fearful of losing her wealth she could never ENJOY it.
Fear destroys your confidence in the Word of God. Fear allows the devil to gain a strong hold in your life.
• Satan can do nothing to a fearless Christian. We must be convinced that God’s Word works every time.
• Fear comes from a sense of powerlessness over the future.
• Fear is contaminated faith.
• Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
• When you operate by fear, you expect negative things to happen to you, and eventually they will.
• When you live by faith, you expect and hope for the best.
• Fear opposes the Word of God, while faith is rooted in the Word of God.
• Let us look to the Word of God and continue this week on the Fearless Christian.
An average person’s anxiety or fear is focused on the following:
40% - Things that will never happen
30% - Things about the past that cannot be changed
12% - Things about criticism by others, mostly untrue
10% - About health, which gets worse with fear and stress
8% - About real problems that will be faced
From these statistics, only 8% of the things that you fear will actually come true.
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