Sermon Illustrations

Glen and Jo Ann live in Orange County, California in a low lying area. It flooded one year and the local newspaper sent a reporter in a boat out to Glen and Jo Ann’s neighborhood. The reporter found Jo Ann, sitting on their roof watching large objects floating by, so he climbed up on the roof to interview her.

As the reporter questioned Jo Ann, he saw a barbecue float by, and then he saw a large golden retriever pass by on top of his doghouse, and finally, a sports utility vehicle! A few minutes later, he saw a hat float by; but after it floated about 20 feet past the house, it started floating back upstream. When it got about 20 feet on the other side of the house, it started floating back down again.

The reporter watched the hat go by 7 or 8 times, and finally he asked Jo Ann, “Do you have any idea how that hat is floating up and down stream?” “Oh, yeah, don't worry about it. That’s just my crazy husband, Glen. He said he was going to mow the lawN today......…come hell or high water!”

The problem with many of us today is MISPLACED PRIORITIES. We are focusing on the lawn in the midst of a flood while our home is floating away! Live your life by priorities that matter for eternity.

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