Sermon Illustrations

Have you ever had a time in your life when you suffered drastic income loss? In 1995 I had a dream job, I had an office that was 30 foot by 40 foot with my own private bath, no boss on 2nd and 3rd shift and the pay was great, not bad for a blue-collar worker. We based our lifestyle on my wages, and everything was great. Then the hammer fell, the company sold out, the new company decided they would not keep my department, so my job was gone. The new company offered me a job in the labor gang, this new job’s wages was ½ of what I was making. The work was pick and shovel, I finally advanced up the ranks to heavy equipment / dump truck driver, I received skills in that position that I would use later in life, I counted it as a blessing even though the wage were on the low side. Through all this change I could feel God’s Blessings all around me. An opening came in the maintenance department, I went in as an apprentice , It was supposed to take four years to top out as a journeyman millwright, which payed a lot more money than I was making in the office job, But four years at a lower salary can be devastating on your budget, BUT GOD had an unique way of blessing me, After six months as an apprentice made a way for me to take a test, and whatever level I tested on would be my job rate. By a miracle, from the Lord, I tested out as Journeyman Millwright, With top wages. Sometimes when we seem to lose things, God Is looking for you to Praise him in the disaster, if we stop looking at the loss, God’s favor is just around the corner. We must keep the faith in our Awesome GOD.

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