Sermon Collections
  • To Live Is Christ | To Die Is Gain

    Shared on: Sep 18, 2023

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    Isn't it interesting that the letter that is known as the letter of joy was written when Paul was imprisoned? His chains and shackles could not contain his joy. But how could a man in prison write such a letter? When confronting this call to have all of our life be in Christ, we soon realize that we fail miserably at this. The joy that Paul had, and the joy that all Christians should have, is a joy that transcends this world. It must be based on something greater. That joy is Christ. This is the only way one could suffer so immensely and yet be able to rejoice in his circumstances. All of our lives must be lived from Christ, to Christ, and through Christ, to the glory of God. By the help of the Holy Spirit, we too can live for Christ, die for Christ, and everything in between.

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