Sermon Collections
  • The God Who Sees | Hagar & Ishmael

    Shared on: Jun 19, 2023

    based on 2 ratings   (rate this sermon collection)

    Throughout the Scriptures YHWH has revealed himself with many different names and titles. In fact, the first time God reveals his name explicitly in the Scriptures is to Hagar--the slave woman. As she has been cast out of her home by her master, Abraham, she feels abandoned as if she is going to die in the wilderness. But God comforts her by revealing to her who exactly he is when he says to her that he sees her in her misery. Hagar worships God and replies, "You are a God of seeing" (Genesis 16:13). Share the glory of El-Roi with your congregation this upcoming Lord's Day with this packed sermon collection.

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    based on 1 rating

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