  • Henry Lee Clay

    Contributing sermons since Apr 22, 2005
Henry Lee's church

Saint Paul Baptist Church of Passaic, New Jersey
N Plainfield, New Jersey 07060

About Henry Lee
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Please preach them.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Let the Holy Spirit use you. After all, He’s the Preacher.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee Understanding The Purpose and Power of Prayer by Dr.Myles Munroe Beyond The Shadow of Doubt by Dr. Mark Chironna The Blessings Of Brokeness by Dr. Charles Stanley Escape From Codependent Christianity by Dr. James B. Richards He-Motions, By Bishop T.D. Jakes The Eternal Now by Paul Tillich too mention a few
  • What I want on my tombstone: He made a difference and helped people to change their lives for the better.
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Newest Sermons

  • I’m Qualified

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    Regardless of what you have been through and in spite of how many times that you may have failed in your past, God can qualify you through the Lord Jesus Christ and use for His own glory.

    Luke 22:31-34 & Acts 2:14 A I’m Qualified One of the great quotes of the Bible is found in the Book of Isaiah where the God of Glory reveals through the prophet to us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD.”(Isaiah 55:8) The whole point and more

  • The Lord Will Be Strong For You

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    You will never get too far in this life walking around in this tabernacle of flesh without being tempted we still need the Great Intercessor acting on our behalf.

    Luke 22:31,32 The Lord Will be Strong For You H Lee Clay I remember as a youth in the Church that when and if a person claiming faith was struggling with some area of temptation in his or her life and sought the encouraging counsel of an elder in the church that he or she would be told more

  • Hagar’s Dilemma

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Most of us have experienced some type of dilemma and we’ve all dealt with dilemmas or circumstance or our own making. But the God of Glory is more than able to hear, help and to bring us out.

    Gen. 21:1-3, 8-10,14-20 Hagar’s Dilemma H Lee Clay The word “dilemma” is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as meaning, “A situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable;and a problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution” All of us at more

  • A Sick Society, Weak Saints And A Strong Savior

    Contributed on Jun 11, 2005
    based on 48 ratings

    In order to be used mightily by God as an instrument of His deliverance and healing to others, we must learn to trust Him completely.

    A SICK SOCIETY, WEAK SAINTS AND A STRONG SAVIOR H Lee Clay From the decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah to the debauchery of Herod and Herodias we have seen in times past the despair, the decay, and the decline of a dysfunctional and dilapidated humanity. Solomon in his God-given wisdom more

  • How To Get Pass Your Pain

    Contributed on May 5, 2005
    based on 51 ratings

    We often allow the pain of our past to continue to rule us in our present and predetermine our future. Where you are now is not where you have to stay.

    There exist in this world in which we live a countless number of hurting, injured, abused and dysfunctional people that are living a virtual life of the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. Those of you that are old enough may remember that movie that was released in 1968. The plot was based more

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