Sermon Collections
  • The Declaration Of Our Dependence | True Freedom In Christ

    Shared on: Jun 24, 2019

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    It has been rightly said that true freedom is not found in living without any master, but rather in living under the right Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. As you celebrate the blessings of our nation's independence this year, consider using this occasion to preach on true Christian freedom from one of the four key texts included in this collection, (Jn. 8:31-32; Rm. 6:1-14; Gal. 5:1; Tit. 2:11-14). As God's precious blood-bought children, we have been liberated from our slavery to sin and set free to rest in the free grace of the gospel, worshiping God in the obedience that inevitably grows from a heart of sincere faith. May this collection of resources serve to bolster your teaching on the true freedom every believer has been given in Christ.

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