25 Easter Follow-Up Sermon And Worship Ideas
By SermonCentral .com on Apr 10, 2023
One of the best ways to follow up with your Easter guests, as well as to encourage your church members, is by preaching about living out the new life we have in Christ.
One of the best ways to follow up with your Easter guests, as well as to encourage your church members, is by preaching about living out the new life we have in Christ.
25 Easter Follow-Up Sermon and Worship Ideas
Scripture: Acts 1:1-3
Summary: Jesus has unleashed resurrection power on the earth. What happens because of that resurrection power?
Scripture: Isaiah 1:18
Summary: There is a power that each believer can receive and attain from Almighty God. According to the Bible, we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Our greatest need is the forgiveness of Almighty God, that we may walk in his will.
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-11
Summary: Our New Life in Christ: What’s it all about? Right living, regular praying, rich loving, rich giving, and radiant serving.
4. What Should I Leave Behind?
Scripture: Joshua 6:15-7:15
Summary: This sermon deals with letting go of our past so that we can find freedom to enter a new life in God.
Scripture: Romans 8:1-4, Romans 8:1-6
Summary: The New Life in the Spirit, made possible through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord of Life, brings deliverance from the old bondage of sin and death.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Summary: God has given us newness of life through Jesus Christ, therefore (1) do not live in the past, and (2) live with a renewed purpose.
7. New Life on Purpose: Worship
Scripture: John 4:23-24
Summary: We were created to worship our creator in spirit and in truth.
Scripture: John 13:3-17
Summary: We are committed to minister to each other and our community in humble service.
9. New Life on Purpose: Witness
Scripture: Matthew 28:18-29:18
Summary: We were commanded to share the truth of the gospel with every living creature.
10. Change What You Are Wearing
Scripture: Genesis 41:14-46:14
Summary: Something must change when God wants to do a new thing. Look at story of 3 people who experienced a new thing. They had to change something. Everyone in scripture who experienced a major New Thing had to change something.
Scripture: Acts 4:32-35
Summary: As we emerge "this side of Easter," Luke's description of the early church community in Acts makes us think deeply about the effects Jesus' resurrection might actually have on our lives.
12. Get Out of Those Grave Clothes
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-5:17
Summary: Paul in these verses tells us how to walk in this new life. (Ephesians 5)
13. Count Yourselves Dead to Sin
Scripture: Romans 6:11-14
Summary: A strategy for spiritual victory is given that focuses on appropriating Christ’s power in your life.
14. Beating Controlling Habits
Scripture: Galatians 5:1
Summary: People struggle with controlling habits. The Lord wants to set us free.
15. Paul: A High Impact Person, Moving From Success To Significance
Scripture: Philippians 3:4-4:4
Summary: We all can learn from Biblical characters/scoundrels because they were all thoroughly changed when they encountered God. From the example of Paul we can see how God can change and use us to be "High-Impact People" for Him.
Jesus is alive! That powerful Easter moment was not an ending but a beginning. After His resurrection, Jesus commanded us to go and tell the world. To share the hope of Easter with everyone, everywhere. Easter may be over, but our commission is clear…Let’s Go!
17. PowerPoint Package: Transformation
A perfect set of preaching backgrounds for a message about Transformation.
An exciting, high resolution image of new spring leaves. Great for use in your church bulletins or to display worship lyrics, announcements, and key sermon points.
19. PowerPoint Package: From Death to Life
Bring the message of the new life to your congregation and visitors.
20. Video: Transformation is Possible
We are easily captivated by imaginary stories brought to life on the big screen and yet these stories pale in comparison to the story of a life transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This video draws that comparison in an entertaining and humorous way. It’s the perfect intro for a message on the power of the cross to change and transform us.
21. PowerPoint Package: Grafted Into New Life
This simple but elegant image of a leaf falling reminds that we can come into New Life.
22. Video: Follow the Call of Jesus
Life can seem like a constant race. This film tells us to follow God and our paths will be made straight. We can walk by faith and not by sight.
We are all a work in progress and our fears and failures have not won. God has made us a new creation in Him. Let us go out and show the world what Jesus can do through us.
At the cross, they thought it was over. Jesus was dead. Hope was lost. Love was dead. Three days later, all of that changed. Jesus was victorious. Sin and death were defeated and hope was restored. Jesus couldn’t stay in the grave because love is alive!
Churches will celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and for good reason. But what if the resurrection is inviting us - even challenging us - to allow the life of Christ to rise up within us, for the sake of the world? His story didn't end in the grave. Neither will yours.
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