Preaching Articles

Holy Week, the final week before Jesus would suffer and die on the cross for our sins and rise again in victory over sin and death, is filled with opportunities for your church to gather around God's Word in worship. 

30 Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Holy Week Worship Ideas

Palm Sunday Sermon Ideas 

1. The Significance Of Palm Sunday

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11

Summary: Palm Sunday often gets overlooked under the shadow of Resurrection Sunday. But it is very significant for four important reasons. Also - how do you act when Jesus approaches your life?

"For much of Jesus’ ministry He urged people to be quiet about who He was. When He healed he told people not to say anything, when He confronted demons who recognized Him as the Son of God He told them to shut up. That’s because it wasn’t time for Him to declare Himself as the Messiah. On Palm Sunday the time had come."

2. Revisiting Palm Sunday

Scripture: Luke 19:28-44

Summary: Looking at Palm Sunday from different viewpoints and how we miss seeing Jesus.

"What if you were there to witness for yourself the events of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday Celebration? How would you feel? What would you have seen or heard? What would you be thinking?"

3. The Three Parades

Scripture: Mark 11:1, Esther 6:1
Summary: The three Parades. A sermon for Palm sunday that looks at three different Parades from the Bible -each of which we can learn new lessons.

"This morning I want to talk about three great parades that we need to take part in in order to be effective as Christians."

4. Preparing for Palm Sunday

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11
Summary: This year how have we been preparing ourselves for Christ if He would show up at our door just as He did on this day show up at the door of Jerusalem?

"Multitudes often seem to approve the gospel, but few become consistent disciples. When Jesus was come into Jerusalem all the city was moved; some perhaps were moved with joy, who waited for the Consolation of Israel; others, of the Pharisees, were moved with envy. So various are the motions in the minds of men upon the approach of Christ’s kingdom."

5. Choose Your Attitude

Scripture: Luke 19:28-40, Matthew 21:1-11
Summary: This sermon deals with the various attitudes which are exposed or demonstrated on Palm Sunday.

"Palm Sunday is a time for us to examine our attitudes toward each other as well as toward God. In a way, Palm Sunday is about a huge parade coming into town with one major float as its main attraction. The preparation, the launching, and the moving of the float will allow all kinds of attitudes to appear. Let’s see when and where our own attitude shows up."

6. The Reality of Palm Sunday

Scripture: Mark 11:1-11

"Even Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem wept for his beloved city, as it says in Luke’s gospel, for he knew the dreams of this day would turn into the reality of pain, death, and suffering. During the week that followed this great triumphant ride into the city, Jesus spoke of the realities of who he was."

7. The Next Time Jesus Rides

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11, Revelation 19:11-21
Summary: Palm Sunday, Second Coming

"The next time Jesus rides, things will be quite different. He will no longer be a reluctant King riding on a donkey. He will come in the clouds with great glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - not as 'king for the day,' but as 'King for all time and eternity.'"


Holy Week Media 

8. Holy Week — PowerPoint Package

A great background set to use during the Easter season to announce your events or illustrate your message.


9. Hosanna (We Welcome You) — Video

Use this mini-movie as an energetic and upbeat introduction to your time of worship on Palm Sunday.


10. Palm Sunday Path — PowerPoint Package

This background set is designed especially for your message on Palm Sunday or Jesus' Triumphal Entry.


11. Triumphant — Video

Holy week begins as Jesus arrives triumphantly in Jerusalem. Fulfilling a centuries old prophecy. The people celebrated, shouting; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”. In 7 days, Jesus would once again triumph…this time, over sin and death!


12. Palm Fronds — PowerPoint Package

Celebrate this Easter with a new PowerPoint Template from Outreach to match your sermon style.


13. No Other King — Video

He is the Father’s Son, Savior of the world, and substitute for our sins. There is no other king like Him, there is no other king. Perfect for Palm Sunday or Easter.


14. Good Friday — PowerPoint Package

Create a reflective space to linger over the amazing and life changing love offered to people by Christ on the cross.


15. Crucified — Video

A simple and moving retelling of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


16. By His Wounds — Video

He carried our sins to the cross to die so that we might live for what is right. And by His wounds, you are healed. Based on 1 Peter 2: 23-24, this mini-movie is designed for your Good Friday service.


17. Three Days That Changed The World — PowerPoint Package

Use these backgrounds in a message about the importance of the Holy weekend.


18. Crazy Awesome Love — Video

A powerful spoken word about the story of God’s greatest gift of all. How he sent his son to be punished on behalf of our fall. He chooses love to draw us near, love instead of fear. An inspirational film for Good Friday or Easter Sunday.


Good Friday Sermon Ideas 

19. Near The Cross

Scripture: John 19:23-30, Matthew 11:9

Summary: What was it like to stand near the cross of Jesus? We examine four people who stood near the cross and try to understand what it would have meant for them.

"When Jesus was crucified I wonder how near the cross we would have stood? We sing that grand old hymn – “Jesus, keep me near the cross…there a precious fountain”, but how near the cross would we have been if we were there to witness Jesus’ crucifixion?"

20. Good Friday Night Failures

Scripture: Matthew 26:30-27:30

Summary: There are many ways we fail Jesus, and we need to ponder on these failures, so that we can mature into what Christ calls us to be.

"This is the full service outline for Good Friday , with several mini devotions inserted, instead of one long sermon."

21. It Is Finished!

Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-4 

Summary: Jesus was proclaiming the end of many things through this cry from the cross.

"An innocent man is thrashed, bruised, spat at, called names. He is hungry, thirsty, bleeding and in severe pain. He is facing a death sentence for a crime he did not even think of. And he is nailed to the cross and is breathing his last breath. To the external world that looks on, he is a defeated man, he is a loser, he is powerless.What would you say, if you are in that position? I would most probably say, “I am finished!!” But look again, here is a man who says instead, “It is finished”." 

22. The Precious Drops

Scripture: John 12:27

Summary: This is a short reading for a Good Friday Service.

"Small puddles had formed at the foot of the cross. No – not from rain drops – for it had not rained that day. The puddles were from blood that was dripping down. Drip… Drip … Drip…"

23. Easter People In A Good Friday World

Scripture: Mark 16:11

Summary: It was Resurrection day, but the disciples were still living like Jesus was dead. What is it like to be stuck in a Good Friday World? What does it mean to be an "Easter People?"

"It seemed as though all hope was gone. The miracle worker, the teacher, was dead. Jesus’ disciples hid for fear that they too might be arrested because of their connection with Jesus. (But that was Saturday!)"

24. At The Foot Of The Cross: Powerlessness

Scripture: Mark 15:33-41

Summary: The Good Friday story told from the viewpoint of Salome

"Let me back up a little bit. I’m Sal-o-may the wife of Zebedee, mother of James and John, sister to Mary and the aunt of Jesus." 

25. Take Up Your Cross — Only If You Are NUTS

Scripture: Matthew 16:21-28

Summary: This Sermon Is The Second In NUTS. It deals with our call to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus.

"When we hear the word cross, we usually think of something that’s decorative or somewhat attractive in its design. It’s often pleasing to look at because that’s how crosses today are made. In the first century, when people heard the word cross, they immediately thought of pain, suffering, and death."

26. Following Jesus To The Cross: Drawing A Line In The Sand

Scripture: Matthew 21:12-23:12, Matthew 24:1-25:1

Summary: This is the second message in a series that looks at Jesus’ final few days on the way to the cross. This message looks at how Jesus’ confrontation of religious hypocrisy and his resulting challenge to his own followers.

"Jesus is Issuing the Same Challenge to Us! He’s Drawn a Line in the Sand... Now how are YOU going to Respond?"

27. Take Up Your Cross

Scripture: Mark 8:31-34, Mark 8:34-38

Summary: Be willing to make sacrifices so that the will of God can be accomplished through your life. We are called to carry our own cross and to renew such a commitment every day.

"Will you carry your cross? Will you make sacrifices so that God’s purposes can be fulfilled in your life, through you?"


Devotions and Creative Ideas 

28. What Kind of King: A Powerful Poem for Palm Sunday and Holy Week

"What kind of king
builds a castle
with a wide open door for children to enter
but a needle-eye sized hole for the rich?

What kind of king
rides on a donkey
into the city where
his assassins are waiting?" 

29. Easter Week: Choose Wisely!

"What will Easter Sunday mean to you—and those who hear you preach? Choose carefully: How you celebrate Easter indicates your priorities of faith. This “Holy Week” is filled with powerful images of the Christian life: Jesus gave us a covenant meal on Thursday night—the very night he was betrayed. He suffered torture and death on Friday—a substitutionary death that paid the price for the sins of humanity. On Saturday, he descended into the depths of Hades and kicked in the gates of Hell itself. And, of course, on Sunday he was resurrected with power, receiving the vindication of the Heavenly Father." 

30. The Greatest Prayer In The World (Maundy Thursday) 

"The question I would like to try to answer is: How does Hebrews 5:7 relate to the prayers in Gethsemane? Hebrews 5:7 says, “In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.” He was heard. He got his request. What does this refer to in Jesus’s life?" 


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