11 Event Ideas For Using The Bible Miniseries Outreach Opportunity
By Scott Anderson on Nov 10, 2020
"The Bible" miniseries could be the biggest discipleship and outreach tool on the screen since "The Passion of the Christ."
The Bible, an epic miniseries by Emmy-winning producer Mark Burnett and his wife, Touched by an Angel's Roma Downey, could be the biggest discipleship and outreach tool on the screen since The Passion of the Christ. The 10-hour miniseries, which retells Scripture from the story of Noah to the resurrection of Jesus, will air in five segments beginning March 3 through Easter Sunday on the History Channel.
Here's a list of ideas to help you and your church leverage this unique outreach opportunity.
Idea 1 – Home Viewing Parties
Encourage your adults and youth to host Bible Viewing Parties in their homes for the five Sunday evenings of the miniseries. A Bible Viewing Party Kit is available that includes a host guide, discussion questions and invitations for inviting friends, family and neighbors. Hosts can then invite attendees to your sermon series and/or Easter services. This is the outreach opportunity your church has been waiting for!
Idea 2 – Postcard Invitations to Go Deeper
Mail a postcard invitation to every home around your church to come to your Bible sermon series and Easter services. Print extra invitations for church members to hand out. Consider providing newcomers with a Bible 30-Day Experience Guidebook as a gift for visiting.
Idea 3 – Launch a Sermon Series and Small Groups that Parallel the Miniseries
Thousands of people in your community will be watching the miniseries, invite them to your church to go deeper and learn how the Bible can have a personal impact on their lives. The Bible Church Kit includes sermons, video clips, small group DVD and guidebook/small group.
Idea 4 – Daily Bible Guidebook for Adults and Youth
Make available the Bible 30-Day Experience Guidebook for all of the adults and youth in your church. The Guidebook provides daily readings and action steps that parallel the miniseries and will help your church members dive deeper into the Bible and develop a devotional life. The Guidebook also contains small group questions that can be used during the series.
Idea 5 – Evangelistic Booklets Featuring Graphics from The Bible Miniseries
Empower members to give their friends this easy-to-read booklet that includes a gospel presentation and an invitation to church.
Idea 6 – Prayer Walk
Encourage members to walk the neighborhoods around your church praying that the miniseries and sermons will make a spiritual impact on your community. Use Bible door hangers for leaving an invitation on doors as people pray.
Idea 7 – Go Deeper with a Sunday Night or Mid-week Service
Use the Bible Church Kit and/or DVD Study Kit to do a Sunday night or midweek more in depth study of the Bible during the miniseries.
Idea 8 – Bible Book Clubs
Use the popularity of book clubs to introduce people to the stories of the Bible using an easy-to-read translation or the novel, A Story of God and All of Us.
Idea 9 – Involve the Youth in Your Church
The Bible miniseries, Church Kit, DVD Study and Guidebook are all designed to be used by the youth in your church (13 and up). After the miniseries is over, use the Bible site license to show the entire series and launch small groups this fall.
Idea 10 – Show The Bible Miniseries at Your Church
Starting April 1st, The Bible miniseries will be available to license and show at your church. Use the miniseries to show on Sunday nights, at midweek services, at retreats or for youth groups. The 7.5 hours of content can be used in so many ways and in so many places to support the ministry of your church.
Idea 11 – Q & A Session
After the series, host a special Q & A service where people can come to ask additional questions about the Bible.
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