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In our Southern Baptist Convention, the SBC churches in an area form themselves into an association. Usually, it’s the churches within one county, but often several counties (in Louisiana, counties are called “parishes”) go together to form an association.  Our New Orleans Baptist Association (called NOBA) comprises churches from the tip of the Mississippi River, 100 miles northward into New Orleans and beyond, which takes in the parishes of Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Orleans, Jefferson, St. Charles, and some in St. John the Baptist.

Here’s what often happens, as it did recently.

I’ll be preaching a revival in a middle-sized town somewhere in the South.  Often, I’ll meet with the pastors’ in the city and speak to them, maybe give them copies of one of my books.  At some point, I’ll ask the host pastor, “Does the pastor of the First Baptist Church attend these meetings?”

You would be distressed to know the answer is frequently, “Never.  They don’t participate in anything the association does.”

Big, big mistake.


Speaking to the Alabama Baptist Convention meeting at the FBC of Montgomery a few years back, I addressed this phenomenon.  “Pastors need each other.  You pastors of the First Baptist Churches, you need these other pastors.  So, quit being a big shot. Get off your high horse, and act like a brother in Christ.”  You could hear the “ooooh” roll across the auditorium.

I had struck a nerve.

Now, there are plenty of exceptions. David Crosby is the longtime pastor of the FBC of New Orleans.  No church is more involved in the local association than his, no pastor more than he.  Likewise, Don Davidson at FBC Alexandria, VA.  Shawn Parker of FBC Columbus, MS.

Here’s my quick testimonial.

As the seminary-student pastor of a bayou church 25 miles west of New Orleans, I attended meetings of pastors and the association.  Mercer Irwin was the DOM and Franklin Atkinson was associational moderator. (I’m just saying this as evidence that I really was involved.) I even recall Franklin’s associational sermon in 1968.

After seminary, I participated in the Washington County Baptist Association in Greenville MS.  J. D. Lundy was the associational missionary. Thus, when the Lord led a friend and me to conduct a Delta-wide evangelistic crusade at the high school stadium, the association quickly got on board.

In my next pastorate, the FBC of Columbus, MS, they hastily made me moderator of the almost-defunct association and got more than they bargained for.  I asked Ray Lloyd (FBC Starkville) and Joel Harris (FBC West Point) to lunch, and we decided to combine our small efforts into a work thereafter known as the Golden Triangle Baptist Association. The state convention helped us, and J. C. Mitchell became our first (and longtime) DOM.  Our church’s minister of students Bryan Harris supervised the construction of  the associational building on Willowbrook.  The point of all this is to say our church was “all in” for the association.

In Charlotte NC, I was involved in the Mecklenburg Association.  Our First Baptist Church was not the largest SBC congregation (Hickory Grove rules!), but no one was more involved than we.  (Today, Bob Lowman leads the Metrolina Association there, and he has had me up to minister.)

So, in 1990, when I came to New Orleans to serve the FBC of Kenner, across the street from the N.O, airport, participating in the association was never an option for me. It was something I did.  In all likelihood, that more than anything else, caused the search committee to turn to me in 2004 and ask me to serve 5 years as the director of missions. I was in that slot when Katrina roared through 18 months later and changed forever the landscape of the city and the ministries of our churches.

No one but the Heavenly Father knows how He will use you if you get involved in helping the other churches by participating in the association.

Here then are my top 5 reasons why the largest Baptist churches in the area need to be involved in the work of the association. Anyone looking for profundities can keep looking. This is not rocket science….

  1. You need the other pastors. The big-shot pastor who thinks he is above the other preachers is an embarrassment to the cause of Christ. We need one another.
  2. Your church needs the other churches.  No congregation can reach its city alone; we need to hold hands and work together. The largest church needs the smaller ones.
  3. Your leadership needs fellowship with leaders of the other congregations, and to share ideas. Some of your leaders can feel mighty lonely until they sit down with their counterparts in the other churches and discover all the things they have in common.
  4. The smaller churches need encouragement.
  5.  Your ministerial staff needs to know the other ministers for a hundred reasons.   Obviously, the ministers of the large church may have gifts and talents to bless and enrich the other, smaller churches.  But the reverse is just as true.  Some of the ministers of those small churches–particularly the bi-vocational pastors–are as sharp as any expert from the state office.  They will not, however, be announcing it or proclaiming it.  You will discover it only by getting off your self-constructed pedestal and sitting across the table from them and listening to them.

Do this, and I promise you that Christ will be honored, your church will be strengthened, other ministers will be encouraged, and most surprising of all, you will find yourself to be more fulfilled in serving your Lord.

I suggest to the pastors of the larger churches that they take the initiative with steps like these….

–Call some of the other ministers for coffee. No agenda.

–Invite a neighboring pastor to fill your pulpit.

–For a special emphasis (Holy Week, revival, etc), have local ministers speak each day.

–Tell your staff you want them involved in the association, and make sure each one knows their roles. That is, they are there as full participants, not to sit in judgment or to become a critic.

–When the association does events, promote it among your people.

–Invite the association to have some of its gatherings in your church.

–When you have an outstanding guest preacher, schedule a time with the other pastors.  When Dr. Adrian Rogers did a weeklong revival in my church, following the noontime services (conducted in the fellowship hall following lunch), each day, he pulled up a chair and visited for a full hour with the ministers.  Many will never forget those discussions.  (I sure won’t!)

Big Church Pastor, we may assume two things….

–that you will not always be at this church. Thus, you have a brief time to make a huge difference on the community, if you are smart enough and don’t mind humbling yourself.

–that some of these Small Church Pastors will not always be there either. Some are destined for greater assignments.  What if you served as a role model for them, and made a difference in the way they ministered for the rest of their lives?  What a powerful influence you have.

To repeat: What a powerful influence you have.  So please. Get out of the office and use that influence for the Kingdom’s sake.

Dr. Joe McKeever is a preacher, cartoonist, and the retired Director of Missions for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans. Currently, he loves to serve as a speaker/pulpit fill for revivals, prayer conferences, deacon training, leadership banquets, and other church events. Visit him and enjoy his insights on nearly 50 years of ministry at

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Ray Mckendry

commented on May 18, 2016

I'm a retired Presbyterian and I came into contact with a local Baptist pastor through a visiting speaker he had invited. Now we meet for coffee and I have preached in his church. He is a great guy just starting off so I am glad to hear him not only preach but what he thinks. We must meet with those who want to preach Christ like my enthusiastic friend.

Kent Dickerson

commented on May 18, 2016

Not everybody is Baptist. Local Ministerial alliances between denominations are valid for most of the same reasons. I'm part of one here in S. Korea, with many of the base chaplains and English speaking ministers participating. Even more important here.

David Henderson

commented on May 18, 2016

Having served in churches for 20 years as an Associate Pastor i always participated during those years. I can safely say that during that time I served, most of the senior pastors did not attend mtgs. But in defense of these men some of the assocs. did not offer much. The one I am in now offers very little even though it is quite large. Senior pastors in the larger churches have so many people who desire their attention that it is no doubt difficult to get to the meetings. I drive an hour to get to ours. The fellowship is important but the meeting also must have some substance to it I think. Now that i have been a senior pastor for 16 years i do attend. But I think your criticism may be a tad too harsh. ,

Dr Robert Ballard

commented on May 19, 2016

typical Baptists - no room for the idea there are others in the Kingdom of Heaven who are not Baptist. I started this article thinking it was about local ministerial associations. But no - Baptists don't fellowship with anyone not a Baptist. You guys are in for a shock when you find so many non-Baptists in heaven.

E L Zacharias

commented on May 19, 2016

Dr. Ballard, I believe that Joe was just using the Baptist associations as a point of example. In my own post, I mentioned how Lutherans did the same. It's true that churches can be parochial in their practice, but that reflects their desire to unify their faith and practice. I don't recall Joe speaking ill of other churches and their associations, but urging pastors to take advantage of what is available in their area.

E L Zacharias

commented on May 19, 2016

Joe, I applaud your mention of meeting together. From the beginning, Lutheran pastors made it a practice to hold "winkels" (German term for "corner"), which consisted of pastors within their circuit. (Each circuit consists of 7-10 churches). These meetings were mainly for "Gem?tlichkeit," best described as mutual encouragement. These informal gatherings would include a Bible study or topic of concern, along with discussion of casuistry. In prior says, the room might be filled with cigar smoke, and perhaps beer might accompany the meal they shared together. Meeting together helps keep unity among the brethren, as well encouraging one another, and developing better ministry. Care was taken by the circuit counselor to visit "lone rangers," questioning why they were not able to attend. In this way, the pastors still had an understanding about one another and were able to pray and minister for each other's needs. I write this to encourage others in their own practice of meeting together, whether for study, discussion, or for planning and promoting ministry together. In this way the ministry of Christ is strengthened and the churches benefit from that unity shown by their pastors.

Lafern Cobb

commented on May 21, 2016

Love the fellowship of Pastors!!! I'm so blessed to be part of our downtown Clergy Group. We meet once a month. We pray, study and share together. A few times a year we have special services together in our small town (10,000 population). There are 8 Pastors, 4 Clergywomen and 4 Clergymen. We are diverse, Church of Christ, Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian. The fellowship is amazing. The Pastors/Priests are amazing!!! It's wonderful to fellowship within your own denomination, but it's truly an experience of love and unity to fellowship with many different denominations. Joined together by our common love for Jesus Christ and His Church!!! If you can find such a group where you live, then yes! Fellowship and learn and grow together! ,

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