Preaching Articles

I solemnly charge you: preach the gospel; persist in it whether convenient or not…. (2 Timothy 4:1-2).

I’m worn out this Monday morning. In the last seven days, I have preached in Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama. (That would be New Orleans, Charlotte, Charleston and Albertville.)

In the process, I logged almost 2,000 miles in my little Honda CR-V. 

I met a thousand new friends and was able to visit with and encourage many pastors whom I was meeting for the first time.

They paid me, too, in case anyone wonders. Actual money.

Several questions linger on this (very early) Monday morning…

1. Was it worth all the trouble?

My back is killing me. At my age, I have more and more trouble recovering from such demanding schedules and long drives. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I loved every moment of it.

It was so worth the trouble.

I was blessed from beginning to end. There was not a single discouraging event or word the entire week.

But, ultimately, God is the only One who knows.

2. What was accomplished? 

God knows.

3. You went to all that trouble just to preach?

Yep. That’s mostly what I did.

I also sketched a lot of people and fellowshipped with some wonderful servants of the Lord. On three different occasions, I met ministers in fast food places near the interstate, and we encouraged one another in the Lord.

A lot of trouble just for preaching? It depends on the value you place on a) yourself and b) preaching.

I don’t place a lot of value on myself. It’s tempting to say “I’m all I’ve got,” and in a way that’s true. But it’s not. The Lord has me and He is my all and apart from Him I am nothing and can do nothing.

I do value preaching.

The Apostle Paul must have been answering a similar, although deeper, question on the value of preaching as he went to ten thousand times the trouble I did to share Christ’s word. He said, “For those who are perishing, the preaching of the cross is foolishness, but to us who are being saved, it is God’s power” (I Corinthians 1:18).

People die for the right to preach and for having preached.

“Woe to me if I preach not the gospel,” said Paul (I Corinthians 9:16).

The preacher of the gospel has some decisions to make:

1. Is this Bible the Word of God or not?

2. Is Jesus Christ the Savior of the world and the only way to God or just a good teacher?

3. Must people be saved to get to heaven?

4. Are people without Christ lost and headed for hell?

Drop the ball at any point—i.e., fail to come through with a resounding “Yes, indeed!” on any of those four questions—and my preaching becomes just so much pap.

There is a lot of pap being preached these days.

I was visiting with friends over a weekend while en route to an assignment. Since they had not found a church in the area and this mattered more to me than it did to them, I regret to say, I invited them to accompany me on Sunday morning for services. The First Baptist Church in that city looked inviting, so we would worship there.

The church was pastorless, we learned, and the interim pastor was a professor of something or other, or maybe a local Christian counselor. His message was on friendship, mostly from Proverbs.

He said nothing wrong. But he left out Jesus, and he did not mention the gospel at all. The “preaching of the cross” was a no-show that day.

His message would have been perfect for a Civitan Club luncheon. He could have preached it in any public high school in America.

Would anyone have died for his right to preach that message? Was this what Paul had in mind in urging Timothy to “preach the Word?” Would Paul have pronounced a woe on himself for not preaching that sermon?

People have died for preaching the gospel. Others have given their lives for the right to preach. The question is "Why?” Why did they consider this scriptural message worth their very lives?

How you answer that says volumes about your faith.

Consider this a call for cutting-edge gospel. Let the sermon from God’s servants be filled with the life of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Let it cut and slice and heal and bless (see Hebrews 4:12). Let the preacher find out why God’s Word is called a two-edged sword.

Let it challenge the way people are living and call them to righteousness.

Let the preaching of the Word lift up Jesus and tell why people are lost if they do not believe in Him.

Let it tell the truth about the lostness of the hearers and point to the cross of Jesus Christ. Let the message announce that “the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin” and that there is forgiveness and wholeness to be found nowhere else in the universe.

Let the sermon open the Word and teach it. Let it blister and comfort, challenge and inspire, denounce and announce.

Let the preacher leave nothing in the locker room, as athletes say. Nothing on the cutting room floor, as they say in cinematography. Nothing in the pastor’s study.

Give it your all.

And when you finish, pastor, ask yourself whether that message was worth anyone dying for. And if the answer is "no," re-enroll in the Lord’s school and ask Him to teach you how to preach.

God help us to be faithful and fearless, to be humble on our knees before God in order to be mighty on our feet before men.

Dear Lord, help your preachers to get this right.

Dr. Joe McKeever is a preacher, cartoonist, and the retired Director of Missions for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans. Currently, he loves to serve as a speaker/pulpit fill for revivals, prayer conferences, deacon training, leadership banquets, and other church events. Visit him and enjoy his insights on nearly 50 years of ministry at

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William H. Wilder Jr.

commented on Nov 17, 2014

Not much else to say except a rousing "AMEN." I still remember your visit to FBC in Smyrna over a year ago. I too, am called to preach the Gospel and share your sense of urgency to "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine" (2 Tim.4:2) .

Keith B

commented on Nov 17, 2014


Pastor Mike Murray

commented on Nov 17, 2014

Dear Dr. Mc Keever: God bless you for this. In full agreement. Would appreciate prayer. Have about 20 attending weekly, and can't seem to get the inactives, active. using my vacation time for mission work in Bangladesh and Nepal (a friend started a little mission organization in year 2,000), but many in the church, have this "take care of America first" attitude. Looking for a church move, but tough at 67 years of age, and only a B.A. in Religion degree. These articles have been a great blessing to me. Please, keep up the great work.

Julius Walls

commented on Nov 17, 2014

Dr. McKeever - Your writing always inspires me. I don't always check to see who is the author before I start reading but when I completed the article, felt the inspiration, I knew it was you. Thank you. I am praying for you and ask that you pray for me. Let me know when you come north and I'd love for you to preach at my small A.M.E. Zion Church or just meet for encouragement.

Julius Walls

commented on Nov 17, 2014

Suresh Manoharan

commented on Nov 18, 2014

"And when you finish, pastor, ask yourself whether that message was worth anyone dying for."...Boy this one sentence in the whole message sums it inspirational, edifying article...thanks Bro.Joe

Gillis Jackson

commented on Nov 20, 2014

Thanks, for sharing. Good advise keep up good work.

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