Preaching Articles

Haddon Robinson suggests we need to do something more than talk about Bible history.

Haddon Robinson (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of Illinois) was the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and he is widely regarded as an expert in the area of preaching. Read more from Dr. Robinson in The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching.

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Steve Shepherd

commented on May 18, 2013

Very good! The Lord be praised and pleased!

Shine Thomas

commented on May 19, 2013

Great practical comments from an experienced man of God. The relevance of our message to the 21st Century audience is very, very important.

Jack Roth

commented on May 19, 2013

Haddon Robinson has been my favorite preacher since my early days in bible school as we were required to critique several preachers of our choice for one of my preaching classes. He is the best.

Jack Roth

commented on May 19, 2013

Haddon Robinson has been my favorite preacher since my early days in bible school as we were required to critique several preachers of our choice for one of my preaching classes. He is the best.

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