Preaching Articles

In his message at the Desiring God National Conference, Francis Chan highlighted the importance of loving the people to whom he preaches. He mentioned seven questions that he asks himself in preparing to preach. 

1. Am I worried about what people think of my message or what God thinks? (Teach with fear.)

2. Do I genuinely love these people? (Teach with love.)

3. Am I accurately presenting this passage? (Teach with accuracy.)

4. Am I depending on the Holy Spirit's power or my own cleverness? (Teach with power.)

5. Have I applied this message to my own life? (Teach with integrity.)

6. Will this message draw attention to me or to God? (Teach with humility.)

7. Do the people really need this message? (Teach with urgency.)

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Francis Chan is an author and church leader, formerly the pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California. Chan has authored several books, including Crazy Love and Forgotten God. He is also the founder of Eternity Bible College and sits on the board of directors of Children's Hunger Fund and World Impact. Francis lives in California with his wife, Lisa, and their four children.

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Bernie Kaufman

commented on Nov 8, 2014

As usual Francis delivers! These 7 points seem so simple but difficult to follow. I can't decide which is the most important so I plan to try them all! Thanks Francis

Troy Pearsall

commented on Nov 8, 2014

the problem I find is that when the other six are done I'm left asking myself if the message was to draw attention to me or to God. In fact I'm always afraid that I am drawing attention to myself. Consider this as I write this comment I thinking, "am I writing because its how I feel or am I trying to make people think I more humble than I am" I have a lot of difficulty getting pas number 6.

Kennard Boyd

commented on Nov 8, 2014

I've made peace with that issue by accepting God chose me to present His message using my personality under the influence of His holy spirit. That makes me humble.

Ricky Dean Mauldin

commented on Nov 8, 2014

I think your struggle not uncommon; I for one certainly relate. Two counselors have helped me: My wife, who (when I voice these concerns) asks me if I'm proud of my humility. Second, an old pastor once told me that humility isn't thinking little of yourself - it's not thinking of yourself at all. Hope either helps. Good article, wasn't it?

Oscar Longoria

commented on Feb 21, 2024

I just taught on humility this past Sunday. I like Charles Spurgeons quote on humility. He said, "Humility is a right estimate of oneself. I like saying "Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

Philippe Longhe

commented on Nov 9, 2014

Thanks Francis for these 7 Keys questions that lead to our own perfection and giving the floor to the Holy Spirit to work deeply on the preacher and the receivers! Point 5 is capital! You can not Finish a Teaching without sharing your Own experience/Testemony relate to the Preching!! 90 of Scriptures in the Bible are Personal or people experience with God.

Charmine Durrant

commented on Nov 13, 2014

I enjoy the 5th one, i always preach to myself before i deliver a message to the congregration, thank for more inrfomation

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