Preaching Articles

Chuck Campbell says what we do outside of preaching will impact how we preach.

Chuck Campbell is Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School.  He also currently serves as the President of the Academy of Homiletics. Campbell’s work focuses on the biblical, theological, and ethical dimensions of preaching.Dr. Campbell’s publications include The Word Before the Powers: An Ethic of Preaching (2002); The Word on the Street: Performing the Scriptures in the Urban Context, co-author (2000); and Preaching Jesus: New Directions for Homiletics in Hans Frei’s Postliberal Theology (1997).

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Parry Stelter

commented on Jul 28, 2012

I agree that not all the preaching that is going on is bad, but if a pastor is alive in his/her own walk with God and is allowing the passage of scripture to study him/her as they study the passage, it goes a long way in making up for other areas that may be lacking. I agree. A dead pastor equals a dead sermon, which equals a dead church.

Pollie Marabe

commented on Jul 29, 2012

Live the life of a Preacher not just preaching or making comments! You may say anything about your acquired knowledge but what others see in you is the most important message they get from you! Even when you are not around you are still preaching because of your life-transforming message!

Ginette Marie Dun-Robin C

commented on Jul 30, 2012

Have a firm grasp of the word that is trustworthy (1) to teach, (2) to preach and (3) to refute (with those who contradict), all with sound doctrine! Lke it or NOT!i

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