Preaching Articles

You may call it something different, but every pastor knows about it.  It is the mental, emotional, and spiritual crash that takes place the next day (Monday) as a result of pouring your heart and soul out in the proclamation of God’s word to God’s people the day before.

Personally, it has affectionately become known as, “The Preaching Hangover.”

There is no easy remedy, medication, or quick fix that can prevent it.  There are, however, several practical efforts I make every Monday that are tremendously helpful to fight through the fog.  Here are 5 suggestions for your consideration:

Pray and read Scripture

I know this seems like a “no brainer” for a pastor.  The fact is sometimes on Monday morning…I don’t feel like it.  Yet, this is still what gives life to our weary souls and we must make ourselves continue to engage, even if we are struggling to want to think about anything, even God and his word.  I find pushing through the fog by reaching for the bread of life is what gives a helpful kick start as we begin the weekly grind again.

Know your limitations

Many pastors take Monday as their day off.  For those of us who choose a different day off to spend with our family, we have to proceed with Mondays carefully.  I am in no condition to deal with any heavy, thought-provoking, emotional counseling or conflict situations, at least until after lunch.  You may be different, but the “hangover” affects us all in some way that requires discernment as we plan the day.  Be careful you don’t put yourself in a position in your day that requires you to make a big decision when you are not nearly as sharp as you need to be to make it.


I exercise 4-5 times a week, but if there is a day when it is especially important to do so, it is Monday.  If you only exercise 1 day a week, I recommend it be Monday.  It hurts…many times more than normal following a Lord’s Day, but a good 30+ minute cardiovascular workout is exactly what I need to help shake the preaching hangover.

Assign achievable tasks

The preaching hangover is by no means an excuse to be a sluggard and unproductive.  Give yourself attainable tasks and make sure you push through to achieve them.  If it is your day off, make sure you are working hard to perk up and engage with your family so your wife and children do not get your “sluggard day.”  If you are trying to be productive in the office, but have a hard time studying for very long as I do, schedule other tasks that are within your frame of mind to accomplish.

For me, Monday is full of checking emails, simple administration, running errands, and meeting with folks that I know will be more light, encouraging, and less likely to be a blind-side confrontation.  You may be able to handle more than I typically can.  Just make sure they are tasks that are reasonable for you to accomplish in the day.


Do whatever you must to provide some silence and solitude for yourself.  Sometimes I will combine this with my exercise in the morning.  I like to go to a park, run, then sit in silence for a little while away from people, just you and God.  Silence can be life-giving when we are often bombarded with words and people the day before.  This has become essential for my personal soul care and my ability to work through the Monday fog.

I hope in some way these suggestions will trigger ideas that will be of help to you to clear the cob webs of the “preaching hangover.”  Just remember, when you do have to face a long, weighty, conflict full Monday because the needs of the congregation demand it…God’s grace is sufficient to walk through it.



Brian Croft is Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the husband of Cara and adoring father of four children—son Samuel and daughters Abby, Isabelle, and Claire. He has served in pastoral ministry for 15 years and is currently in his eighth year as Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church. He was educated at both Belmont University and Indiana University, receiving his B.A. in Sociology. He also undertook some graduate work at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Eugene Shively

commented on Dec 26, 2016

Never heard it characterized as a "hangover" but it certainly fits what I have experienced. I also failed to realize that it was common; thought it was my peculiar weakness. Our kids are grown and out of the house. My wife works a full-time job. As a result, I do generally have Mondays to myself and utilize it as my day off to get the laundry and dishes done; jobs that do not require mental acuity! Thank you for the article.

Mr. Loren D

commented on Jan 19, 2017

This is SO true! Mondays or really Sunday night after the evening service is when it really starts for me. I pastor a small country church and so to make ends meet I also have to work a part time job. I got a job building and servicing bicycles for a sports store. Before I was even hired I made it clear that I can only work on Monday and Tuesdays and I use these two days as my "down time" - the work is mindless with no mental strain, giving me the time to "recharge" for the upcoming mental marathon. Now during this time working on bikes (and exercise equipment) I also listen to audio sermons or lectures, etc., usually with the topic that I will be on the following Sunday. This helps to feed me and not always just feeding others which can be draining unless we are taking the time to refill. I know this is not something that everyone can do but I have found that this as worked well for me. Though I would love to be able to just be a Pastor full time instead of pastoring "full time" and working a part time job, but then again the Apostle Paul was also a "Tentmaker" - not that I am at all like Paul but... ;-)

Brett Peterson

commented on Sep 6, 2023

I've always found an ice cold beer at lunch seems to relax me and then I don't have to take Monday off. Spend a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon with friends and family and have a beer.

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