Preaching Articles

I had the chance to preach at my home church this Sunday. It was a great experience communicating with my church family.

And I learned a few things about myself through the preparation and delivery of this sermon as I reflected on it, things that seemed more tangible than other times I’d preached. See if there are some here you’ve experienced.

1. Preaching causes me to pray more.

I was on my knees more this past week than I have been in a long time. I needed a fresh word from God, fresh insights, and a message that was true.

2. Preaching causes me to study more.

I can’t just pull a message out of thin air. I have to study the Scriptures a lot in order to prepare a message. It was a rich time for me.

3. Preaching humbles me.

a) Knowing I’m preaching the Scriptures and people are learning them through that preaching…that’s both humbling and intimidating.

b) Knowing I’m being prayed for…that’s humbling, too. I can’t tell you how many people I heard from directly offering an encouraging word of prayer. It was powerful.

4. Preaching causes me to worship more deeply.

I felt a deeper dependence on God than on normal weeks, and I consequently felt a deeper level of worship.

5. Preaching causes me to be more aware of God’s presence.

As I was working to craft my message, I was processing it throughout my days. As I went about my normal activities, I felt more aware of God’s presence as I was consistently ruminating over deep truths.

6. Preaching stretches me.

I’m used to writing blogs and articles.  A blog is typically less than a page of typed notes. An article is two to three. I had ten pages of single-spaced, typed notes for my thirty-minute sermon.

7. Preaching refines my thoughts.

I’m an external thinker, which means that, in order for me to make sense of my thoughts, I need to express them externally. Typically, that clarity for me comes through writing. Preaching is another way that I externalize and refine my thoughts.

8. Preaching gets me fired up.

The more I meditate on the Scriptures and what I’ll be communicating, the more I get fired up about sharing the Truth. I was pumped, not nervous, when I came out on stage.

9. Preaching reminds me that pastors can be lonely people.

The role of a pastor can be lonely. I studied by myself, prepared the message by myself, and delivered the message by myself, alone on stage. Afterward, I criticized myself for things I should’ve done differently. A pastor may be in the spotlight, but there has been a lot of alone time leading up to that sermon.

10. Preaching drains me.

Preaching takes a lot of energy, because not only are you spending extra time during the week preparing, you’re also pouring your heart and soul into speaking.  I put a lot of emotion…not banging the pulpit though, mind you…into my preaching. I was exhausted last night.

Ben is the small group pastor at Grace Community Church in Clarksville, TN. He blogs regularly at Life and Theology, wrestling through subjects such as small groups, parenting, leadership, social networking, and counseling…all from a distinctively biblical point of view.

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David Buffaloe

commented on Sep 5, 2012

Love it - and I agree

Keith B

commented on Sep 5, 2012

Good article

Ben Shain

commented on Sep 5, 2012

You nailed it! I have been the youth pastor of my church for 15 months. I am thankful for the occasional times my pastor gives me to preach. But lately I have had the opportunity to preach every service as he recovers from surgery. All of these things are becoming extremely real to me at this time. It is teaching me some awesome discipline in my life and stretching me to become for Christ.

Leslye Haller

commented on Sep 5, 2012

When I get home on Sunday, I am exhausted. Preaching does take everything out of you--the responsibility, the work, everything. It's not uncommon for me to collapse on the couch and sleep for an hour, waking up still exhausted. But it's a rewarding exhaustion knowing I'm "tired for Christ"!

David Nuhfer

commented on Sep 5, 2012

I could not agree more with all of these thoughts. They are excellent.

Ben Reed

commented on Sep 5, 2012

Thanks for the kind words, guys...glad the article resonated with you!

Pastor Sandy .

commented on Sep 5, 2012

Thanks for the great, personal and heartfelt article, Ben!

Theodore Payne

commented on Sep 6, 2012

wonderful points, and when we read this it reminds us of why we do what we do on a regular.

Bill Williams

commented on Sep 6, 2012

"The role of a pastor can be lonely. I studied by myself, prepared the message by myself, and delivered the message by myself, alone on stage." Given the emphasis in the Bible regarding community, I wonder if that is a good thing? I wonder sometimes if too often perhaps we are reading the Bible through the "individualistic" paradigm of American culture...

Rev. Gordon T. Eldridge

commented on Sep 7, 2012

I agree with you on all points except that we are alone in our preaching of the Word. We have the Spirit speaking through us to the people in our congregation. If we don't have that we need to re-examine our calling.

Anthony Jones

commented on Sep 10, 2012

I agree as well. But as already stated when we're on stage it should be the Holy Spirit working through and not we alone.

Steve Darnall

commented on Aug 21, 2018

A few concerns: in making disciples we are encouraging and training people to abide in Christ moment by moment and participate with God as he reconciles people to himself; serving on the front lines at work, home throughout daily lives and living in supernatural community (His Body); which requires awareness of His presence/walking in the Spirit. Does our traditional western view of parroting and some of your points sufficiently model what we are teaching? Whether I am with an individual, or speaking to a local church or a large conference, the call to rely upon the Lord and joy of intimacy with Him is the same. Though I do increase study time depending upon other duties in the week. I enjoy preaching and teaching greatly, especially when the rhythm of God and connection with Him and the people are especially strong - and this has been powerful when speaking to just dozens or as many as 3500. But sometimes I have been off, out of rhythm, usually due to trying to be impressive rather than effective and resting in God activity.

Steve Darnall

commented on Aug 21, 2018

"Preaching" no "parroting" ... Bizarre autocorrect.

Steve Darnall

commented on Aug 24, 2018

My point is, if we are teaching people the privilege of, and responsibility to walk with God: That they can be used to reach people everyday and that it is important and necessary that they do so, and that this requires being in the word, prayer --- in His presence moment by moment and in all situations -- does that change with whether or not someone is preaching to a larger audience? Most of our people are never in that situation (preaching/teaching in a church setting)... so are they not to be in moment by moment presence and power of God? Yes, when preparing to preach God does give me more time to study, but mostly the message comes from daily reading and walking with Him and His moving in me, and through me at work (I am multi-vocational), home, and basically anywhere and everywhere. And His presence with me, and my prayer life, do not change because I am not speaking this week. Without meaning to, we sometimes say and do things as preachers that implies all saints are not responsible to walk with God moment by moment and do the things that draws us to Him, allows Him full access to write on our hearts. Then we wonder why we do not see everyone involved in body ministry in our churches. Sometimes we are fostering the "leave it to the professionals" attitude.

Celso Escanillas Jr.

commented on Sep 10, 2018


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