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  • I Can Only Imagine… And Then!

    Contributed by Wayne Sutton on Jan 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Let your imagination build your faith for miracles!

    I Can Only Imagine… And Then! Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about the powerful moves of God healing the sick, opening the blind eyes and deaf ears, and raising the dead? Most importantly did the daydream include you as the vessel that God was moving through? Do you find yourself more

  • Did I Do That? How Can We Limit The Unlimited Power Of God?

    Contributed by Wayne Sutton on Jan 22, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    How we as mere humans often LIMIT the power of God almighty.

    Did I Do That? How Can We Limit the UNLIMITED Power of God? “If God is all powerful and all loving, why don’t we see more miracles and healings in our church today?” – This question is asked all too often from not only believers, but also from a world of non-believers as more

  • So What’s Your Excuse?

    Contributed by Wayne Sutton on Jan 22, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    Why are not moving in the power and love of the disciples from the Bible?

    “My dog ate my homework.” “There was a wreck on the bridge that held me up.” “I didn’t see the stop sign.” “Maybe it’s not God’s will.” “His ways are not our ways.” It seems we all have heard a million excuses, and we have all used thousands ourselves. Making excuses or laying blame elsewhere more

  • Making A Decree

    Contributed by Wayne Sutton on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    The Power of Decree - speaking forth the promises of God.

    “And the spirit of the Lord hovered over the surface of the waters…” – Genesis 1:2 Then God said… Then God… Then… Then… “The Spirit of the Lord hovered…” “Then God said…” We have a mighty truth found in the first three verses of our Bible, three verses that we all have heard and read hundreds of more