
Summary: How we as mere humans often LIMIT the power of God almighty.

Did I Do That?

How Can We Limit the UNLIMITED Power of God?

“If God is all powerful and all loving, why don’t we see more miracles and healings in our church today?” – This question is asked all too often from not only believers, but also from a world of non-believers as well.

All too often we are confronted with the bleak reality that our “religion” does not line up with the God we see in our Bible. We make excuses and offer weak hope in the face of devastation, sin, and death. Death and sin are overtaking so many people that claim to be a part of the Kingdom of God. Where is the power that we need in the church today? And are we responsible for the lack of deliverance and healing? I respond with a firm YES!

Read this passage from God’s word and pay very close attention to the underlined words.

"and they limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power; the day when He redeemed them from the enemy." - Psalm 78:41-42

They limited God! Read it again, THEY (the people) LIMITED (held back the full power and authority) – it was not God who decided to hold back, it was the people that held back his hand. How? Unbelief. The word tells us that they did not remember His power – they had let fear and unbelief overtake the faith and belief that they once held. They seemed to forget God’s power, and thus let the power that was available become ineffective in their situation.

We still do that today!

My thoughts are taken back to a Sunday morning church service back when my son was only a few years old. Running late for church was not something I pride myself on, but that morning we were later than ever before. Therefore our favorite pew, which happened to be closer to the back of the sanctuary, was filled already. We went to the front, the very front pew; you know the one where the preacher seams to be speaking right at you.

The service was going great, when suddenly the pastor’s son stood up and began to usher himself out of the service. He was in excruciating pain from a battle with kidney stones and was leaving church to go to the hospital’s emergency room.

“Let’s pray”, said the preacher’s wife. We prayed and sought God for his hand to heal this situation. As the congregation joined in prayer along with the pastor and his wife, the Holy Spirit began to speak through in unknown tongues and then through interpretation. The words are forever engraved into my memory.

“If you believe I will perform a miracle here today… If you do not believe, then leave my house! I can not perform a miracle were there is unbelief!”

Wow! Read this again very closely and try to absorb the powerful truth in this message directly from the Holy Spirit. “I can not perform a miracle where there is unbelief!” Was there faith in the church as we prayed? Yes, we had a church full of Christians praying, people that had seen and personally experienced miracles before themselves. And remember; only a mustard seed amount of faith can literally move mountains. If it can move mountains, then why not a small stone, a painful kidney stone in this case?

Because we were letting unbelief overtake our faith, and with a focus on unbelief we could not remember the power of God (mostly because we have limited it for so long) – and now when we needed a miracle, we were limiting God.

But what if you have never seen a miracle of healing and deliverance? How do you remember what you have never seen? First, we go to the word of God. Read they synoptic gospels and underline it every time you see the power of God. Read it and pray for God to bring it to life within your spirit. Go to the book of Acts and read the mighty hand of God moving and healing those in need. I also recommend “The New Mystics” by John Crowder – read, study, pray, and also… go forth and do the works we were called to do!

When you pray and see the miracle yourself then you will be destroying the unbelief, and engraving the memory of the miracle and deliverance deep into your memory. You will be able to remember the power – and then you will not be guilty of limiting the power of God almighty.

God Bless You All.

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