Making A Decree
Contributed by Wayne Sutton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Power of Decree - speaking forth the promises of God.
“And the spirit of the Lord hovered over the surface of the waters…” – Genesis 1:2
Then God said… Then God… Then… Then…
“The Spirit of the Lord hovered…”
“Then God said…”
We have a mighty truth found in the first three verses of our Bible, three verses that we all have heard and read hundreds of times. There is a hidden truth that will give to life to the dying, wealth to the poor, hope to the depressed, and deliverance to the oppressed.
“The Spirit of the Lord hovered… and then God said…”
O’ Lord hover over our church today, hover over our congregation of believers today, hover over our hearts, hover over our minds, hover over our mortal bodies, and hover over our spirit today. And then Lord… And then...
We are a faith of praying believers, we are a faith of people that believe that God will answer prayer – so we cry out – we cry out – we cry out. But do we truly follow the wonderful examples that God has shown us in his word? Are we missing the ability to bring the Kingdom of God (his reality) into our reality, by ignoring the principles and direct commands that God has laid out for us in his word? Let me ask that question again…
Are we missing the ability to bring the Kingdom of God (HIS REALITY) into our reality, by ignoring the principles and direct commands that God has laid out for us in his word?
Who has prayers that you want to see answered? Who here has been praying and waiting for God to answer, for God to move, for God? Maybe God is simply waiting for us…
· Job 22:28 “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee”
A decree is an order, a law, it is a command that is set forth by authority that must be followed by those under that authority. When the King of a country or territory set forth a decree – it was final. The decree could not be changed or done away with, because the Kings word was to never be doubted.
So it is with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – his word will never return void, it always accomplishes what is was set forth for.
You shall decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you!
This is not “name it and claim it” or “blab it and grab it” theology that somehow ran rampant in the 90’s – however just because some people exploited truth or added covetous desires along with their prayers, does not dismiss the truth that lies in the word of God.
Truth will always remain and truth that is for you and I today!
We excuse our lack of supply, our lack of understanding, and our lack of power, as God’s sovereign will. God is a sovereign God we say. God has a plan we say. God is still on the throne we proclaim. Our ways are not his ways and our thoughts are not his thoughts we reason with one another.
It’s OK if our Government supports abortion we say – God has a plan…
It’s OK if we allow Gay marriage and homosexual rights – God is still on the throne…
It’s OK if the church body is full of sickness and disease – God is still in control…
It’s OK if our churches are small and the world around us is going to hell – God is still God…
God had a plan and God was on the throne 36 years ago when this nation allowed abortion-on-demand as a legal right to the women of this nation. 36 years ago, and 50 Million bloody deaths later, he is still on the throne and he still has a plan… As Cancer has grown from 1 in 100 people to 1 in 3 people, taking precious lives and destroying families, God had a plan and God was on the throne… when the churches have split and hurt people have turned their backs on God and let the world comfort and soothe their wounds, God had a plan and God was on the throne.
Yes God is on the throne and Yes God has a plan... His plan is you and I – It is the church body! He has given us power and authority – and commanded us – I repeat commanded us to take his Kingdom, his power, and his love to the world!
We must pray and seek God’s face in our daily battles, we must pray and seek God’s face for our nation, we must pray and seek God’s face for our family, but we must also take our authority that we have, and decree – speak forth from our mouth the decision we stand upon, the decision for righteousness, the decision to live Holy, the decision to walk under an anointing that brings deliverance, and for it to be on Earth as it is in Heaven!