Rick Palmer
Contributing sermons since Aug 10, 2018
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Love Lifted Me!
Contributed on Nov 4, 2018
God took a big basket and put everything in my life that was important, everything of value, and everything worth living for into the basket. Then he lifted it up very high and turn that basket upside down and shook it until it all scattered. Let me clarify, at the age of 36 I ...read more
Where Did That Come From?
Contributed on Oct 21, 2018
As a Police Officer we were required to use radar to influence drivers to slow down and obey the laws. One evening I parked at a T-intersection where Main Street intersected a major highway.This intersection was very well lite up because of the businesses located there, a restaurant with a gas ...read more
Fishers Of Men
Contributed on Oct 15, 2018
While fishing in the dark in a very deep canyon can present very obvious problems it can produce some unexpected experiences as well. It was a warm summer night about 2:00 AM, dark would be an understatement as the moon was nonexistent at least in the bottom of our canyon. Trout was ...read more
No Place To Hide
Contributed on Oct 14, 2018
In 1980 I was hired as a City Police Officer in a small Midwest town with a population of 2200. The first week on duty we closed an investigation of a local man who held a position in the School system. He had gained the confidence of the parents, students, and the community. After a traffic ...read more
False Converts
Contributed on Oct 5, 2018
As an archery deer hunter I walk a lot out in nature. Yesterday as I was walking across a corn field I found a small branch of pretty colored leaves. My wife loves collecting leaves and doing crafts with them. I looked around and there were no trees with in a great distance from the leaves. How ...read more