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  • When Will The True Independence Come?

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Oct 2, 2022

    We were joyous on 1st October being our country's independence day even when circumstances have stolen the expressions of the way we ought to feel about memorable event.

    I keep on reflecting every moment this period comes, about what it truly means. Is the nation better now than before independence? Are the promises of those entrusted in positions of responsibility fulfilled? As we approached 2023 a year of turnaround as predicted in our nation, some people are more

  • Christ-Addicted

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Aug 10, 2022

    Christ-addicted are prisoners of Jesus

    I am a Christian', that is always the response from most people when asked of their religious status. Often than not, it is a title bestowed as a result of the family religious background. In the real sense, Christians are christ-like. They admit being prisoners of Jesus ( Philemon 1:23) more

  • Does Present Location Or Situation Matter?

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 14, 2022

    Out of the dunghill comes upliftment 1 Samuel 2:8.

    There is general perception that good successes can only come out of civilization. Today, many people are ensnared in it and tend to move from one location to another in consideration of their present circumstances. Sharp drift from poor regions to developed worlds is glaringly predominant which more

  • Work Of Thy Hands

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 30, 2020

    Work exists before man. The creation of man and other things were the handiwork of God and they were good. What a pity! Today’s man has a wrong perception about work for the sake of instant reward, personal gain or interest.

    I. In general term, work is an activity, task, duty, responsibility or assignment. When something is created, done or made, work is said to have taken place (Genesis 1:11, Genesis 1:21, Genesis 1:25-27). Work is done to achieve a particular outcome or result which oftentimes is either positive or more

  • ... In The Heart

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 22, 2020

    The heart of man is the meeting point of the forces to slog it out and man struggles to hold back the forces from the dark world but the Grace of God is sufficient to renew the attacked heart.

    I. It is a fact that the heart is the source of power. In medical perspective, it is the pumping station of blood to the body/flesh. The power is in the blood and in the blood is life (Leviticus 17:11). And the scripture describes the heart as place that accommodate the issues of life (Proverbs more

  • Identity And Language

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 15, 2020

    Mere observation may not be suitable to reveal the identity of a person/group but the use of language sounds appropriate.’.., say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth for he could not frame to pronounce it right...’ The language was used to reveal identities among the ancient Israelites.

    I. An encyclopedia is not necessary to define what an identity simply means. It is just what people use to trace who a person is. It could be the name, skin color, place of origin, culture or language (Genesis 10:31). Due to globalization and trade among nations, these characteristics are becoming more

  • A Matter Of Trust

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 8, 2020

    iota of trust makes or mars a relationship. The human trust cannot stand a test of time. Let us sign up with God for He is dependable and never fails.

    I. Trust is a foundation of a relationship. A relationship could be of husband/wife, parents/children, commander/soldiers, employer/employees, pastor/congregation, politician/electorates or mentor/mentees among others. That pivotal role a foundation plays in a building is the same as trust in a more

  • Journey To A Destination

    Contributed by Paul Richard on Jun 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The journey to the land of promise seems longer but God warns that return journey to the land of Egypt would be shorter, if His voice is not obeyed. Hearken to His voice for the fulfillment of your destiny.

    I. Naturally, destination is a place of rest. This differs from one individual to another under varying circumstances. The land of promise and land of Egypt are two destinations in a Christian (race) journey. The former can be a position, place or height God desires for us as his children more