
Summary: iota of trust makes or mars a relationship. The human trust cannot stand a test of time. Let us sign up with God for He is dependable and never fails.

I. Trust is a foundation of a relationship. A relationship could be of husband/wife, parents/children, commander/soldiers, employer/employees, pastor/congregation, politician/electorates or mentor/mentees among others. That pivotal role a foundation plays in a building is the same as trust in a relationship. If the foundation is faulty expects a building collapse. A relationship without trust has no intimacy and can break in no distance time. That with trust becomes shattered when there is a breach.

II: In this contemporary society, trust is virtually absent or eroding in our daily interaction with one another. When breach is mentioned, you find many saying it has once happened to me or why the trust in the first instance. It is a great concern and the younger generation is beginning to borrow a page. I met a young woman in her early 30’s who told me in our conversation that she does not trust her immediate people let alone others. Quite understandable, but when her trust is in fame, educational background, power, intellectual acumen or ability up to a point that it is an idol to her, then there is trouble. It becomes devastating if she does not trust God.

III: Joshua 7:2-5 and Judges7:2-7 give separate accounts to demonstrate the misery of God about trust in Him. In the first account, the children of Israel relied on the information of men and neglected God in their strategies. Eventually, they failed greatly (Joshua 7:2-5). In the second account, Gideon relied on the information of the angel which helped him in the trust building process. And because God was involved in the strategies few was required for victory (Judges 7:2-7).

IV: However, Abimelech never followed the footsteps of his father, Gideon. He relied solely on influence and his prowess (Judges 9:1-6, Judges 9:45-50) to accomplish his mission. Unknown to him, God operates beyond human comprehension (supernaturally). The physical strong tower in verse 51 symbolizes God and no wonder the children of Israel ran into it for safety (Proverb 18:10) while Abimelech tried to penetrate it but could not (Judges 9:52). And God used the strength of a woman to disgrace him (Judges 9:53-54). A woman who is never known threw a piece of millstone upon Abimelech’s head and his skull was badly damaged.

V. The question that will ponder the heart is how did she come about the strength to carry a millstone? In human science, a piece of it weighs 1500kg but in God science, the millstone is weightless (Mark 10:27). Trust in God to bring about the strength you need and you will be more than a conqueror in every facet of human endeavor. Are you ready to be an overcomer? Accept Him into your life (John 15:4-5) and He will gladly dwell there (John 14:23).


Why do you want to run a race without Him? Do you know that His lamp is enough to light your path (Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:23) and He is a faithful God (Deuteronomy 7:9, Hebrew 11:11). All you need is to trust and obey (Psalms 84:11-12).

Prayer Points:

1. By the name that is above all other names, I destroy the spirit of pride in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

2. In the Almighty name of Jesus, I pray for divine encounter with God. Amen.

3. Oh Lord I pray that the trust for God be bestowed on me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Oh Lord I pray that anything that does not glorify you be cancel in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture References:

Joshua 7:2-5, Judges 7:2-7, Judges 9:1-6, Judges 9:45-50,51; Proverb 18:10, Judges 9:52, Judges 9:53-54, Mark 10:27, John 15:4-5, John 14:23, Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:23, Deuteronomy 7:9, Hebrew 11:11, Psalms 84:11-12

Richard P. Chukwugozi

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