Sermon Series
  • 1. Rowing Rowers Reach Reason

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2008

    The sailors in Jonah refused, at first, to rid the boat of this troubling person, but later did so. They serve as a type of a person ridding oneself of sin.

    JONAH 1:13 ROWING ROWERS REACH REASON I. RESPECT: A. Response: B. Resourceful. C. Resilient. II. RISKS: A. Resistance. B. Retention. C. Ruination. III. REMEDY: A. Recognition. B. Removal. C. Restoration. With Jonah’s confession over, the sailors more

  • 2. Cleansing Corruption Creates Calmness

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah serves as a type of sin in the passage before us. This verse reveals how the sailors decided to deal with the issue of sin and what happened following their actions to rid the vessel of all impediments.

    JONAH 1:15 CLEANSING CORRUPTION CREATES CALMNESS I. CRISIS: A. Credence. B. Condemnation. C. Concluded. II. CLEANSING: A. Comprehensive. B. Conspicuous. C. Cathartic. III. CALMNESS: A. Certifiable. B. Comparable. C. Continuance. The sailors have now, more

  • 3. Consternation Created Conversion

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2008

    Once the sailors decided to rid their ship of Jonah, a type of sin, they saw first hand the awesome power of God. This awarness of His majesty led them to become believers in Him.

    JONAH 1:16 CONSTERNATION CREATED CONVERSION I. CONSTERNATION: (They Feared Excessively) A. Cessation. B. Certainty. C. Convicted. II. CELEBRATION: (They Offered a Sacrifice) A. Collectively. B. Cleansing. C. Conversion. III. more

  • 4. Contrary Clergyman Comprehends Commision

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2008

    Jonah is tossed overboard expecting to die but is saved by a Whale. In this verse, Jonah serves as a type of Christ in the many simalarities of these two men.

    JONAH 1:17 CONTRARY CLERGYMAN COMPREHENDS COMMISSION I. CREATURE: A. Created. B. Controlled. C. Confirmed. II. CLERGYMAN: A. Compliance. B. Concealment. C. Comprehension. III. CORRELATIVES: A. Confinement. B. Contradictions. C. Commissions. Jonah has more