Sermon Illustrations

When I was 17 I went for my first road test to get my driver’s license. In order to receive this privilege to drive, an officer accompanied me to observe my skills. As part of the test I was required to make a 3 point road turn on a narrow road. I pulled forward, turned my wheel, and proceeded to back into a ditch. It had rained the previous day so the car was mired in the mud. The officer reluctantly proceeded to assist me in getting the stuck car back on the road.

“I am going to push the car. When I say go, gently push on the gas pedal.” He then walked to the back of the car and said “Go!” I heard the sound of spinning tires and a resounding “Stop! Stop! Stop!”

It is forever seared into my mind the image of a police officer, covered in mud, leaning into my car window with a single drop of muddy water hanging from the end of his nose as he said through clenched teeth “I said ‘gently’ son, ‘gently’.”

After another driver trying for their license came along, we were assisted in getting on our way. Back at the station I was told to wait while the officer ‘cleaned up’ and renewed my learners permit. One year later I got the nerve to try again. And I passed and now part of my job includes me driving.

A driver’s license gives you the legal right to operate a motorized vehicle. It is also used as an identification document.

In fact it is the most common accepted document for that purpose.

God has given us a license also. That license identifies us as his child (1 John 5:1). We were not required to take any test; we just needed to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. And when we are found mired in the mud, Jesus doesn’t leave us there. We can be assured that He will rescue us without getting any mud on himself.

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