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  • Radical Love

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Mar 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is designed to cultivate a love desire to please Christ in all we do.

    Intro: gratitude, pray, go with emotion Do you like stories? I like stories. Especially dramatic love stories. I think deep in our hearts when we watch some romantic dramas and you have been following the story and right about the climax something happens to us- we start yelling at the screen, more

  • Beyond The Veil

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Mar 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is designed to encourage the listener to approach God no matter what their condition.

    Intro: The priest reverently and ceremonially washes his hands. Then prepares his robe and arranges in place the ephod, the breastplate with the thummim and urim; The Truth and The Revelation. A long rope is fashioned about his waist and bells at the hem of his robe. One last prayer is offered up more

  • The Plot Thickens

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Mar 30, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This message is designed to break open the gates of bondage people are locked in.

    The Plot Thickens A breakdown of Nehemiah 6 Nehemiah- Consolation, Repentance of the Lord | Governor of Jerusalem Sanballat- enemy in secret Geshem/Gashmu- Rain Storm Tobiah- The Lord is Good or goodness of God Plain of ONO- Grief/Iniquity/ Strength Historical Backgrounds: On July 10, 586 B.C. more

  • Quenching The Wrath

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God is a man of war and the lion of the tribe of judah

    Quenching the Wrath of God I. Wrath – What is it? A. Websters = Wrath - intense anger (usually on an epic scale) 1. Think of times where you may have been wrathful. 2. Was that a positive experience? For you? For the other person? B. Strong’s Concordance = Wrath 1. {3709 orge – or more

  • Bound Or Broken

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Freedom and Victory How to get it.

    Bound Receiving your Deliverance Bound: To be limited, Restrained, Restricted, Temporarily/Permanently unable to perform one’s best due to “outside” forces. Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free,* and do not be entangled again with a yoke of more

  • Godsfearlessvictors

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This will get your congregation going in the morning a challenge and call to arms.

    Title: God’s fearless victors. Text: Joshua 1:1-8 Introduction: All of you here today in some way or another, like it or not are in a battle. Small ones big ones lengthy or short they just exist. I believe their purpose is pruning! John 15. Ya know a tree grows the most at the breaking points- more

  • Was That Outloud?

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 18, 2007

    This is a challenging and evangelistic message on both growth in God and His providence in our lives

    Was that out loud? Story: Statue of David, in 1502 in Florence Italy there was a Large block of marble given to a church in Santa Maria, the church thought they hired a professional to sculpt this block, and he drilled a hole right at the bottom destroying this magnificent piece of marble so that more

  • You Are Not Your Own

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 18, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This is a challenging sermon really for any age though designed for youth to realize the importance of the human condition and need for the work of the cross in our lives.

    You are not your own A. The Facts 1. Romans 1:19-20 We have to make a choice, God has given us all the facts 2. Romans 3:10 We know we are sinful, and need a Savior 3. John 14:6 We know Jesus is the Only Way to God 4. Romans 10:9 We know Jesus is the only way to be Saved a. Romans 5:10 We are more

  • The Overlooked Miracle

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 18, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    This is designed to get ya going and realize that God has not only purpose for you but a plan with a means to accomplish that purpose as long as we arent idle.

    The Over-Looked Miracle Ask if any play a sport? Talk about track runner, I knew a guy who freshman in college went for track and thought his coach was missing a few screws in his head b/c all the running they had to do the first day to try out, 20 minute run, 15 minute run jog the track for 5 more

  • Battling To Be Forgiven

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a great message on the faith it takes to overcome guilt.

    Battling to be Forgiven Read Luke 7:36-48 Look at someone and tell em I have ears to hear, what the Spirit has to say to me, and Im gonna get my blessing You don’t come to Jesus by accident! All of you here are here for a reason 3 Struggles to battle to get your forgiveness- it is already yours more

  • Altar Of God

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    This could easily spur a series but i believe this is a core teaching for the believer wanting to know more about their position in Christ and the Character of God

    Altar Of God Intro: I didn’t come here to preach a nice message to you, I am not here to boost my ego or try out my skills. You didn’t come just to hear smooth words, meet some nice American, and you certainly are not in the wrong place. We are here because God has heard your prayers and the cries more

  • Truth About Sex And Temptation

    Contributed by Jeff Poms on Jan 10, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a powerful message to both the believer and unbeliever about the truths of what happens to those who fall into temptation

    The truth about sex/temptation Introduction: Today I want to talk about the trap of sexual sin. We have lots to cover so let’s get into God’s Word. The Beginnings Gen. 1:26-8 God created us a specific way male and female. One compliments the other and one is made for the other emotionally, more