The Journey Begins
Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon was preached as I began a new ministry. We must leave some things behind to move ahead, but we must also move ahead.
As you might imagine
I have been thinking a lot about journeys lately
Trips to Hickory and Lexington
Came back from CBF in Tampa and Journey here
Bible seems to have someone always on a journey
Noah in an Ark, Abram going to land he knew not of
Ruth to land of Naomi, Jonah to Ninevah,
Paul on missionary journeys
By far most significant journey Jesus to earth from heaven
Today we begin a journey together as Pastor and Church
Reminded me about major OT journey
Book even called the Exodus…journey
Share some tips for the trip from their story
1. We’ve Got Someplace to Go
God was calling the Slaves in Egypt to him
God heard their 400+ years of prayer for release
Raised up Moses who over and over
Said to Pharoah let my people go to God
God called their special place “The Promised Land”
Throughout the centuries portrayed in a variety of ways
Captured by the thought we are going somewhere
Viewmont Baptist is on the MOVE! going somewhere
We are not standing still, walking in place
Or only tearing pages off calendar going through motions
This world is not our home we are just passing through
God has called us together for a journey
Cannot tell you want it all looks like or how to get there
All begins w\desire to move get on with it pursue the dream
2. There will be opposition
It’s not always going to be easy
If it were easy everyone would be doing it
And every church would really be following God
Instead of only saying they are
Israelite’s journey had opposition
Pharoah opposed them
Fought many battles
1st time sent spies into promised land 10 said giants there
This journey of following God is going to be hard
It will cost us something
We will have to give sacrificially, reprioritize our lives
Cost Jesus his life,
Bible says don’t be surprised at cost to follow Christ
Promise whatever we give God returns up to 100 fold
Is a cost to the trip but gain eternity
God is constantly putting us in places
So we can be reminded of his power
He never says there will be no pain
To get in touch with greatness in you get in touch with God
3. We have to leave some things behind
They left with haste had to leave some things behind
Could not even wait for bread to rise with leaven
What do you have to leave behind to embrace God’s journey?
Some of you may have to leave behind hurt in church
Others may have to leave behind sins or mistakes in life
May be it is a broken relationship or bankruptcy
Write on your card what it is you need to leave behind?
Ask you to do this because it is maybe hardest step
Satan continues to throw in our face failures sins guilt
Will do everything to get us to wallow in hurt feelings
To say I’ll never do that again
Maybe you need to write down a name
Or some way to say leaving this behind
But it is a new start this is hard to do
Was for Israelites they went from slaves who had nothing
To being filthy rich given God silver, Jewelry
Yet first time they faced opposition picked up slavery
At Red Sea Egyptian army behind blamed God and Moses
Amazing to me how quickly they turn back into slaves
So whatever you leave tonight will be tempted to pick up again
Leave it with God
4. God will be with us
I cannot see all that will happen on the journey
Do not know all the twists and turns
I have driven from Lexington to Hickory in the dark before
6 hrs 365 miles when I start off in Lexington
Cannot see Hickory or Ashville, or Knoxville
But God has given my car a set of headlights
To see what is right in front of me
And if I focus on that I will get to Hickory
God was with the people
Showed it with cloud by day and Fire by night,
And along the way there were some miracles
Manna and Quail, 10 Commandments of how to live life
But these were all found out in relationship
Why we have to walk closely with God
Prayer Bible Study service doing our best
Even when we have more questions than answers
Even when it seems God is absent
Have to remind one another GOD IS WITH US
Why worship is so important whatever it’s form
We gather to celebrate magnify presence of God
5. Who do you want to invite to join us in the journey
Before Jesus left the world he gave us his followers
A Great Commission Go Ye therefore and make disciples