What Do You Have To Eat
Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The disciples were struck by the fact that Jesus was not hungry. He reminded them that his focus in life was serving his heavenly father. We must have the same focus.
What Do You Have to Eat?
Jay Robison JOHN 4:31-38
Do you like to Eat? Of course we all do
I’ve had Some memorable meals..
Vol Nat'l Pk Hawaii lodge dessert Hilo berries only grow there
at Jenny's Diner Lou. Greasy spoon, get Sweet Daddy platter
1.25 lbs of Hamburger, with fries, all grease could eat
Free Heart Cath when you finish
On Honeymoon Micki and I were having Chateau Brillion
Restaurant where movie Bond Movie Thunderball was filmed
After day in Cozemel Mx. tired someone led us to Island Lady,
upstairs rest. Conch fish, great Iced Tea worth $$ for tea
Or Steak and Chicken Breast, grilled on deck with potatoes, salad etc
As wonderful as those meals are, not as fulfilling as meal John 4
Jesus traveled w\disciples through Samaria in hot sun, tired
disciples went out for food, they return with KFC & all fixins, Andrew w\plates & napkins Matt giving out beans, John Cole Slaw
Judas being sure no one took more than their share biscuits
Jesus uninterested so much so they ask if someone brought him food
“I have food to eat that you know nothing about” Vs 32 TNIV
See while they were gone Jesus stayed by city well gathering place
Everyone needed water but in middle of day when sun hot only
most desperate came then Jesus met woman came outcast by
society a notorious sinner, embarrassed and ashamed
Listen to way he explained it in Vs 34 TNIV "My food," said Jesus,
"is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work Vs 34
Was Jesus ascetic who never ate and denied physical needs?
no after resurrected he fixed breakfast by sea,
1st miracle at Wedding feast, before cross last supper
Yet in a way unlike us focused on spiritual food first many of us
so focused on physical needs ignore spiritual like disciples
Herschel Hobbs before church on which spend more time?
clothes, preparing spiritually, praying
Who are those outside of Christ around us?
J just met someone on outside told her no 1 outside of God’s love
Remember she was a social outcast coming to well all alone ashamed
like Kroger in middle of night to avoid anyone Jesus spoke to her,
unusual because Jesus was a man, imagine she was ashamed,
beaten down slumped shoulders Jesus told of well never run dry
to avoid this embarrassment great she looked for physical spring
he talked of spiritual one, welling up inside
Who are the unchurched? Those on outside, what are they like? May assume they have no interest in church, want to know God suspicious of church got angle especially young Cath sex scandal. Many of us here have people we love unchurched kids or grandkids who quit attending church, but they’ll come w\you occasionally. In many ways see what do here as not significant enough for them
While the disciples were in town buying lunch, they were surrounded by unreached people & never thought about it, not that didn’t know better, but because they had preconceived ideas about these people prevented them from even wanting to reach them. Imagine they may have passed woman at well but never saw her
Over and over Jesus drew people TO A SPIRITUAL PLAIN
He said my food or reason for living to do God’s will
challenging us to look beyond the temporal to eternal
calling us to be investing ourselves in spiritual things
That’s what he did with woman and the disciples as well
Just as with a garden there are season for planting
It is the same way spiritually
Look at what Jesus said Vs 35 NKJV Do you not say,
‘There are still 4 months & then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say
to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields,
for they are already white for harvest! Vs 35 NKJV
Jesus was illustrating spiritual truth, no seeds sown produce that fast
but you and I both know we will plant a garden for later
do not go out in a.m. tell wife want Broccoli for supper
take out seeds and plant, takes time
if this is true physically of course true spiritually
few people will respond to message of Christ 1st time
those that do I wonder about depth of commitment
Farmer has to be receptive to timing and nurture seeds
We make a great mistake by pushing others to decision
and by giving them the impression that they have forever
You and I must be committed to bringing about spiritual fruit
Jesus said fields are already ripe unto harvest
JO Moore and Abby Crump went to visit one night to see one man