  • Jamey Stewart

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Jamey's church

Velma Assembly Of God
Velma, Oklahoma 73491

About Jamey
  • Education: BS Specializing in Pastoral Ministry
  • Experience: 19 years at Velma Assembly of God
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Newest Sermons

  • Spend Time In God’s Word

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This message teaches how meditation benefits our time in God’s Word.

    Spend Time In God’s Word 1. Meditate Often David did both day & night (Psalm 1:1-2) Meditation is thinking about God (Ps. 63:6) Meditate on all God has done (Psalm 143:5) Meditation is searching your heart (Ps. 4:4) Meditation is hiding God’s Word in your heart (Ps. 119:11) 2. more

  • Stay In God’s Word

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The reasons why we should remain in God’s Word.

    Stay In God’s Word John 8:31-47 1. You Will Learn The Truth (32a) - 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you remain in My Word, then you are truly my disciples. 32a You shall know the truth…(John 8:31-32a) - Those who are disciples of Jesus more

  • Spiritual Growth

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2020

    This sermon reveals how you can grow spiritually

    My Notes 9/23/20 How Can I Grow Spiritually I always liked to look at John 3:30 as a mathematic equation 1. Spiritual Growth = is the process of becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. When we place our faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins the process more

  • Believe The Words Jesus Speaks

    Contributed on May 6, 2020

    This message describes the blessings one receive while believing God’s Word. Namely answered prayer, strengthened faith, & a mighty influence.

    Believe The Words Jesus Speaks (50) 1. You Will Receive Answers To Your Prayers - You can go to Jesus in prayer (47b) . Taking your needs to Him(47b) . And specifically telling Him what you need Him to do (47c) - Keep your faith in Jesus more

  • Crowned With Blessings

    Contributed on May 3, 2020

    The message reminds one of the crowns God places upon the lives of those who follow Him...Forgiveness, Healing, Redemption, Kindness, & Mercy!

    Blessings We Cannot Forget (2b) Psalms 103:1-5 1. He Forgives All My Iniquities (3a) - Forgiveness is the first gift we can receive for God. - Through forgiveness our relationship with God is restored (Life In the Spirit Bible$ 2. He Heals All Our more

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