Contributed by James Chandler on May 29, 2018
When our children were young, we took a vacation to Washington D.C. We saw the many different memorials. The highlight of our trip was Arlington National Cemetery. It was quite a moment standing there with my wife and children watching the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 17, 2008
Belief causes the Christian to say Amen, we need to witness.
Conviction causes the Christian to get up and witness.
Belief causes the Christian to have pity for the lost.
Conviction causes the Christian to stop at nothing for the lost.
Belief causes the Christian to promise God they will more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 17, 2008
based on 1 rating
Everyone is a unique creation of an almighty God.
Everyone: the church is for everyone.
Believer and unbeliever
Rich and poor
Red, yellow, black and white
Old and young
Extroverted and introverted
Unique: We are all different.
Different personalities
Different Strengths more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Nov 28, 2007
based on 1 rating
I did an experiment by asking everyone in the auditorium to say their name outloud three times. Beforehand I asked one man to say the name of Jesus three times outloud. After everyone had said their name outloud three times I asked if anyone had heard the name of Jesus being said. Only one person more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Apr 5, 2007
I have been to the eye doctor many times. Sometimes they would dilate my eyes and everything would get so blurry and out of focus. It would be hours before I could really get my focus back and see clearly.
Sometimes things were blurry not because my eyes were dilated but because my eyesight more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Apr 5, 2007
We are here to display the glorious light of Christ in our lives.
We are to be like a city on a hill.
I always loved driving to Cincinnati and seeing the wonderful lighted cross up on the hill. The lighted cross was on the campus of the more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Apr 5, 2007
One year in youth ministry, I held an event for our youth known as the “30 Hour Famine.” We went for thirty hours without food. We only drank juice. Each young person had adults sponsoring them and the money went to needy children in third world countries.
By about the twentieth hour, I was more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Mar 19, 2007
I once visited the practice of a College
basketball coach who coached for Bobby
Knight, Coach K from Duke. At the end of
his practice he “shared” Christ. He led
them in the Sinners prayer.
The problem that I have with the Sinner’s more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 26, 2007
based on 1 rating
People do judge you by what you wear.
A young man came into our worship service a few weeks ago. He was wearing lots of leather and chains. His hair was spiked blue. He wore black eye liner and had a ring in his lip. I could tell what lots of people were thinking when he strolled down the aisle more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 26, 2007
I grew up in the 80’s and had a perfect outfit:
White Nike shoes with a red stripe.
Lee jeans with the big patch, or parachute pants.
Pink Izod shirt with a green aligator on it.
My black "Members Only" jacket.
Labels mean alot in clothes. Labels also mean alot in spiritual more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 20, 2007
I can remember my first fight. It was in the 5th grade against Wesley. We agreed to meet in the cemetery that was between our houses and the school.
It was to be just me and him. But when I showed up there was a circle of kids who had come to watch the big fight. Fear overtook me and I ran all more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 20, 2007
Earlier this week, I was wrestling my 14 year
old son. I accomplished the near impossible
feat of tackling and pinning him to the
floor. Just when I thought that victory was
mine, my 12 year son decided to jump in and
throw himself onto my back. I was more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Feb 1, 2007
It is not the preacher that should get glory. It is the God of the message.
A basketball costs anywhere from $5 - $50.
But what is the worth of a basketball signed by Michael Jordan?
A sleeve of golf balls cost around $10.
But what is the worth of a golf ball hit by Tiger Woods?
A football can more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 23, 2007
The day before I preached this sermon, I found out that my son’s class was studying the Buddhist faith. The teacher was going to have students bring a mat to class and get in the position and meditate like a Buddhist. When I raised concern and objected to my son praying to any god besides the one more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 23, 2007
I hear parents say “Yeah my daughter has 4.0 grade point average” or “My son is averaging 10 points a game in basketball.” Not very often do I hear parents say “My child’s prayer life is really growing into something wonderful.” What kind of a dad am I, if I know my children’s grade point average more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 11, 2007
based on 12 ratings
The Guest
Author Unknown
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small Tennessee town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 11, 2007
Can you imagine being in Time’s Square in New York City, and there on the jumbo-tron screen was every sin you have ever committed being displayed for all to see?
How horrible would that be? How humiliating would that be?
We all know we have sin in our life, we just don’t want everyone else to more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by James Chandler on Jan 10, 2007
based on 1 rating
Being a kid on the 6th grade playground, I
remember the awful experience of running to the
ball field at recess only to hear those awful
words shouted just before I joined in the
game…”No more players!” How many games I had to
sit and watch because the kids wouldn’t more
Christian/Church Of Christ