Christopher Gregas
Contributing sermons since May 16, 2011
Newest Sermons
"Being A Good Church, Becoming A Great Church"
Contributed on Sep 8, 2012
A Message of challenge and encouragement on our 1 year anniversary of existence
“Being A Good Church, Becoming A Great Church” Text: Phil. 1:3-11 (ESV) 3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure ...read more
Facing The Giants Of Your Life With Prayer
Contributed on May 17, 2011
A message that encourages us to commit the great challenges and trials in our life to God in prayer.
“Facing The Giants In Your Life With Prayer” Text: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 We all have probably heard the story of David and Goliath in I Samuel 17…how God used a brave young man full of faith to face a huge hulk of a man so that God could get the glory. With sling in hand, he ...read more
“how To Experience A Maximum Marriage"
Contributed on May 16, 2011
8 Maxims To Experience a Great Marriage That God Is Pleased With!
“How To Experience A Maximum Marriage” May 1. 2011 . Linwood Community Church . AM Service . Pastor Chris Gregas Text: Malachi 2:10-16 I have had the privilege of counseling hundreds of couples in my lifetime. Janet and I have ourselves had the privilege of receiving marriage ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
"The A,b,c's Of Prayer"
Contributed on May 17, 2011
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Praying Together: Greater Than The Sum Of Our ...
Contributed on Sep 8, 2012
PRAYING TOGETHER: GREATER THAN THE SUM OF OUR PARTS Someone wrote, "At a horse-pull in Canada, one horse pulled 9,000 pounds, another pulled 8,000 pounds. Together, we might assume that they could pull 17,000 pounds. However, when harnessed together these mighty steeds pulled 30,000 pounds, over ...read more
I Don't Want To Be One!
Contributed on Sep 8, 2012
I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE! There was a pastor that was giving a "children’s sermon" to all the young children. And as they sate before him, a bright-eyed three-year-old girl listened intently as he explained that God wanted them all to get along and love each other. "God wants us all to be one," he ...read more
The Heating Plant
Contributed on May 17, 2011
THE HEATING PLANT Five young college students were spending a Sunday in London, so they went to hear the famed C.H. Spurgeon preach. While waiting for the doors to open, the students were greeted by a man who asked, "Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you like to see the heating plant of ...read more
The Seven Stages Of A Cold—for Married Couples
Contributed on May 16, 2011
THE SEVEN STAGES OF A COLD--FOR MARRIED COUPLES Though marriages are meant to last a lifetime, they can deteriorate rather quickly. I like what someone calls the seven stages of a cold for a married couple. The First year of marriage, the husband says, "Honey, I’m worried about my little ...read more