  • Blake Henson

    Contributing sermons since Jul 21, 2022
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  • The Choice Tjbts

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2023

    The choice shows two coaches recruiting a player to join their team. One seems like a good coach and is the obvious choice to play for. While the other seems not so great and the obvious choice not to play for. However they are really God and Satan recruiting you for their teams. So, whose team do more

  • Practice Makes Perfect Tjbts

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2023

    Practice makes perfect shows that without good practice you can't expect to succeed in sports, but the same is true in your Christian life also. You can't just half prepare and expect to be a successful Christian. URL: SUMMARY In this video we see two teams. more

  • Who Do You Play For? Tjbts

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2023

    Who Do You Play For? shows a player that is wearing a certain jersey but appears to be playing for the other team because he is doing everything to help the other team win. This is to make you examine your actions do they truly say you are a Christian? URL: SUMMARY In more

  • Run Your Race Tjbts

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2023

    Run Your Race shows how silly it would be for someone to stop short of home in a game, but it is the same in our Christian life when we are not Christians all the time. We must realize the need to be active serving Christians 24/7 in our lives. URL: SUMMARY In this more