By John Gilman Ii on Feb 19, 2021
based on 3 ratings
How can a group of people who are committed to seeing something great happen and are willing to put in the time and energy it takes, only to see their vision fail?
By John Gilman Ii on Jun 21, 2024
It’s tempting to waive the white flag, to throw your hands up in surrender, to the summer slump. Many churches simply resign their efforts and re-appropriate them in the fall. First on the chopping block of suspended ministries are groups.
By Carey Nieuwhof on May 10, 2024
based on 2 ratings
"I recently surveyed 1400 small and mid-sized church pastors to find out what they struggle with most as their church grows. They overwhelmingly identified developing leaders as their top challenge."
By Charles Stone on Jul 26, 2022
Silos occur in organizations and churches when leaders act like their ministry or team is the only one that matters. A silo attitude results in that leader or team only supporting, giving, or attending functions that pertain to them. It can kill a ministry and result in many problems. In this post, I suggest ways to minimize ministry silos.
By Lisa Eifert on May 15, 2024
What strikes simultaneous fear and joy in the hearts of church staff and volunteers this time of year? Yep, you guessed it, Vacation Bible School (VBS). Anyone who has been a part of planning VBS knows the vast amount of time, resources and imagination that go into making these events memorable experiences for kids.