
Summary: the Bible says the Holy Spirit will, if we will let Him, live within us.

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My friends and I were hiking through the golden hills that surround San Francisco Bay on an uncommonly hot, stuffy afternoon. We regretted that we had chosen such a stifling day for a hike. After a half hour, our path meandered near an enormous coastal oak tree at the summit of a hill. We flopped down under its gnarled, dark green arms to catch our breath, fan our faces, and tank up on water. But even in the shade, the heat was oppressive.

“Take a look at the great view from up here,” I suggested.

“Too hot for that,” one of my companions mumbled as he pulled his cap down over his face.

“We should be home in the swimming pool,” someone else muttered.

Then something happened.

It was nothing sensational. We merely began to feel a cool, light breeze. But how much happiness that breeze brought with it! We spread our arms and twirled in it. A moment later we detected on the breeze the loveliest scents: One moment the ocean, the next the fragrance of orange blossoms, and then the spicy, refreshing smell of sage. In minutes we were refreshed and chatting happily about what a nice day we’d chosen to go hiking!

How that breeze changed our day!

It’s no coincidence that Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to a gentle breeze that blows through one’s life—and changes everything.

Divine Breeze

Most of us feel we know something about God the Father: He’s all-knowing, completely powerful, perfectly good, and the Source of all life. We also know the story of Jesus Christ, God’s Son: He came to earth as a mortal man, taught truth and did good to everyone, and in return was executed on a cross, only to be brought to life again by God three days later. Yes, we know something of God and of Jesus

But who is the Holy Spirit?

Jesus first mentioned the Holy Spirit in a conversation with a man named Nicodemus. This spiritual leader had looked Jesus up so he could ask Him how to be saved. Nicodemus had always tried to please God by being a very religious man— which to him meant following with absolute precision scores of rules and laws. Jesus described a spiritual experience far more personal than that. You can’t get to know God by anything you do yourself, Jesus told him. You need the help of God’s Spirit. “ ‘The wind blows wherever it pleases,’ ” He said. “ ‘You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit’ ” (John 3:8).

Later, when Jesus was about to leave this earth to return to heaven, His disciples were sad and wondered how they could live without Him. So Jesus promised them: “ ‘I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. . . . He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you’ ” (John 14:16–18).

In other words, Jesus has accepted the limitations of a human body and can be in only one place at one time. But through His Spirit, He can be with all of us all the time, even in the most desperate circumstances. And not just with us; the Bible says the Holy Spirit will, if we will let Him, live within us. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” asked the apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 3:16). This is surely the most wonderful and most mysterious blessing of all!

What The Spirit Does

If you’ve ever prayed in grief or discouragement and suddenly felt comfort or if you’ve asked God for help in making a decision and felt a dawning awareness of what the right choice should be, then you’ve already met the Holy Spirit. The Spirit does the very things that Jesus Himself did while He was with us: He comforts us, helps us to understand truth, provides spiritual direction and healing, helps us to admit when we’ve sinned, and reassures us of God’s love. Essentially, the Holy Spirit is the spiritual presence of God in the lives of those who love Him.

Since the Spirit is so central to Christianity, it is no wonder that Christians find it troubling that there are times when they don’t sense the Spirit—when they feel all alone even in desperate moments when they most want divine reassurance.

At times like that, one must remember that God’s Spirit comes in unexpected ways.

Are you expecting the Holy Spirit to come to you with visions and flashes of light from heaven? That sometimes happens.

But not always.

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