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  • This Is Not A Contradiction Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Oct 15, 2020

    What is the Law of the Spirit and the law of sin and death, or are they the same thing, the answer will surprise you.

    What is “the law of the Spirit of life” spoken about by Paul in Romans 8:2? Romans 8:1-4 builds on what Paul discussed in the previous chapters, particularly the connection between the law, sin, and death. Romans 8:1-4 seems specifically to develop Romans 7:6, where the two ideas present in our more

  • Lights, Camera Action

    Contributed by Coz Von on Dec 20, 2019

    Being weak in faith and commitment, you doubt the authenticity of your relationship and your salvation What should you do? How do you Hold on to your salvation so that no one will take your crown.

    I have a confession to make: As a teenager I was involved in a very intimate relationship. however, I played around and got into an affair, which led me to experiment with different partners – We had lots of fun. One of My greatest hobbies was photography. during these experiences I took a lot of more

  • Where Did Halloween Come From

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    Many things I never knew

    Where did Halloween come from? Do other cultures celebrate the tradition? Does it tell us anything meaningful about life after death? The Celts, a people who inhabited extensive regions of Europe and the British Isles, had a colorful festival, called Samhain, to honor their dead. These festivities more

  • How She Became A Creationist

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    A life changing experience

    Seven years old, lying in my dark bedroom, saying a prayer to God, I realized that my words were bouncing down from the ceiling and hitting me in the face. God was not with me in my heart, but out there somewhere—and there was a great blackness between us. I couldn’t reach Him, and I knew, truly more

  • Armageddon Is About To Happen

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    A war that began in heaven was brought to earth and God is about to wrap it up and fight the last battle, very soon, You better be ready!

    Many Christians today are convinced that Armageddon—Revelation’s name for earth’s last battle—is due to break out in the very near future. Armageddon is presumed to refer to the valley of Megiddo in Israel (though the word itself means “Mount Megiddo”), and all the conflict that’s gone on in that more

  • When The Spirit Speaks Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    the Bible says the Holy Spirit will, if we will let Him, live within us.

    My friends and I were hiking through the golden hills that surround San Francisco Bay on an uncommonly hot, stuffy afternoon. We regretted that we had chosen such a stifling day for a hike. After a half hour, our path meandered near an enormous coastal oak tree at the summit of a hill. We flopped more

  • I Am Saved But I Need To Supercharge My Spritual Relationship - How? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    How to position yourself to be in a place of Growth

    Scott had the most successful real estate business in his city. Half the properties he listed sold within one month, and most of the rest were gone within three months. His wife was his most successful salesperson, his son Jack was the quarterback on his school’s football team, and it looked like more

  • Soon, Jesus Will Burst Through The Sky Just As He Burst Through The Tomb, Nothing Will Hold Him Back. Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 25, 2018

    The same enemy who tried to keep Jesus in the grave tempts us to doubt. Doubt that the Bible is accurate. Doubt that such a miracle could happen. Yet we have the opportunity to be the people Jesus talked about when He said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).*

    Heaven held its breath. The angels waited in anticipation while most of the earth slept—unaware of what was about to take place. Some humans who were awake spent the night weeping. Others tossed and turned, their minds filled with questions and doubts. Some sat and stared, while a few hid all night more

  • Is God A Illusion Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and writer, has become the most well-known voice and public figure of the New Atheists. most publicly associated with this New Atheism, a kind of full frontal assault on religion and the supernatural in general.....

    Out of the carnage of 9/11 arose a phenomenon known as the New Atheists. Enraged by the mass murder of the terror attack—all done in the name of God—these New Atheists declared intellectual war on all theistic faith and assumptions. For them, religion itself was “the great scourge” of human life, more

  • Dangerous Climate Change And The End Of The Earth

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    Our earth is collapsing and the end is near.

    In February 2005, a scientific symposium on avoiding dangerous climate change through the stabilization of greenhouse gases was held at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, in Exeter, England. It attracted 200 renowned scientists from some 30 countries. The conference warned more

  • Zebra In The Kitchen Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    “Is this life, with all its toils, struggles, and disappointments, the sum of all that we are, or could be? and if we’re lucky— ends in dust? Is this our fate?” Well, yes, if the following view of our origins is correct. But on the other hand . . .

    What does the purpose of our lives really depend upon? On how we got here— what else? As the oak is in the acorn, so our end is in our beginning. And what does that mean? Two primary, overarching views of human origins exist. The first sees the universe and everything in it as a product of purely more

  • 9 Amazing Facts About Jesus' Second Coming

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    What will happen when Jesus comes? Matt 24:44 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

    Captain Scott O’Grady was shot down over Bosnia on June 2, 1995. He pulled the ejection lever and parachuted into enemy territory. For six days he hid under bushes, ate bugs, and drank rainwater. To make himself less visible, he covered his face with mud. Sometimes enemy soldiers passed within a more

  • Christian-Atheist Dialogue

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    is it possible for Christians and atheists to have meaningful conversations?

    It was billed as “A Discussion between Science and Religion about Origins,” but it was nothing of the sort. The scientist refrained from attacking the biblical account, but he kept stating that science demonstrated the earth to be billions of years old and that settled it. The pastor, defending the more

  • What's In The Stars Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    What makes horoscopes credible? The basic theory of astrology is that the orbits and alignments of the sun, moon, and planets control our fait and destiny.

    Gemini. “You’re excellent when the pressure is up. There’s a snag at work. Make sure to do a thorough diagnosis of the problem before you ask for help.” Capricorn. “Stick to the plan. On important matters, ask for proof. Your social life requires you to know when to keep quiet and when to speak up. more

  • God's Locksmith

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 24, 2018

    Jesus the ultimate Locksmith Has the “the keys” of life and death. He doesn’t turn up with a box of tools that doesn’t work. Death frightens most of us, but hope in Christ gives us reassurance-He conquered the grave.

    God’s Locksmith Revelation 1:17, 18 tells us that Jesus is the ultimate Locksmith. He isn’t just the solution to a momentary inconvenience. He doesn’t turn up with a box of tools that may or may not work. Jesus has “the keys of death and Hades [the grave]” (verse 18). Jesus offers Himself as the more

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