What Is Your Legacy? (Hix)
Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Are you preparing the next generation, for service to the Lord? Are you leaving a legacy of Christian service?
Psalm 71:17-18-O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works.
Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.
You Have Taught Me-God taught David when he was young, the relationship between God and His people, He taught that lesson thru David being a shepherd to some sheep. (The Lord is my shepherd)
God taught David how to handle obstacles that much bigger than you are. (Goliath)
God taught David what it means to have a covenant between two people. (David & Jonathan)
God taught David what it looks like to have a king that is disobedient to God. (Saul)
What lessons has God taught you?
Maybe lessons about finances, health, employment, marriage…and the list goes on.
Have you learned from those lessons?
Have you past on to others, what you have learned?
Your Strength-Help me declare to the next generation about Your strength, Your strength that has keep me going thru the bad times, Your strength that has pick me up, when life has knocked me down!
You see, my strength and your strength may weaken with age, or circumstances, or because of health issues, but God’s strength never fails, it never falters!
We need to make sure the next generation understands this….That embracing God’s strength will help you stand, when you can’t stand on your on!
Your Power-Why do you think that David wanted the next generation to know about God’s power?
Because, David knew that when your young, you think of yourself as 10ft tall and bulletproof.
And there is going to come a time in those people’s life when the realizes that there are some situations where they are powerless to do anything, and that all the effort they can put forth is not enough.
David wanted to teach the next generation that there is a God, who’s power does not run out, who’s power is limitless!
David wanted to teach the next generation that the power of God….Can take a tragedy and turn it into a triumph!
God’s power can take a broken vessel and turn it into instrument of salvation!
The power of God can heal, The power of God can conquer, The power of God can break down walls, The power of God can lift a person up or bring them to their knees, The power of God can win a battle without one shot being fired!
I Am Old And Gray Headed-Old age does not give David an excuse not to serve God, nor did his gray hair disqualify him.
Actually, it did just opposite, the older he got, the greater urgency he felt to impact the next generation.
Acts 13:36- “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption;
Are you serving God in your generation?
Are you preparing the next generation, for service to the Lord?
Are you leaving a legacy of Christian service?
Would you want others to follow in your footsteps? (You post on face book those beautiful pictures of those precious grandchildren, but what if they ended up in hell, because they followed your influence, your lifestyle, your direction!)
Grandpa and grandma don’t go to church, Grandpa and grandma don’t read the bible, Grandpa and grandma don’t tithe, Grandpa and grandma don’t treat people kind!
What are you investing your life in?
Maybe you’re a success by the world’s standard but not by God’s standards!